American Gods
No this is not a political blog but instead a brief cheer fest for a book I just finished reading. The folks who know me here know I'm a voracious reader and will try to share the jewels that I find, and this is one of them.
The book is titled American Gods By Author Neil Gaiman and I came upon it quite by accident when I was cruising Amazon for cheap books for the kindle , now some of you may already be familiar with Mr Gaiman he is a world renowned author, poet, comic book publisher (Sandman series) poet etc etc.
Now I'm not saying I've never read anything of his because I have and didn't really care for it, but for 99 cents and receiving an 800 page novel I decided to give it a try...... that was 2 days ago.
Needless to say I could not put the book down and was completely blown away by his writing style, the intricate story line and the descriptive asides and sub plots that all came to an astonishing finish!
Was this an easy book to read? Absolutely not! I had to pay close attention and on occasion had to go back and reread a small section to catch up on something I missed, but to me that only enriched the experience.
The story basically revolves around 1 central character, Shadow, and his travels throughout the country accompanying his employer Mr. Wednesday. In these travels an examination of America and what it means to be American as well as examination of immigrants to the US and the import of their beliefs is portrayed.
Oh hell I can't even begin to portray the detail and intricacy of this story but I will tell you something..... before this book I did not know "fug" or "payess" were words.
All I can say is if you want an amazing read please check out this book.
Hailing the American Gods