Attack this.....................
Ayers is a terrorist! You can bring the dictionary out and read all you want. However, if you bomb my country one time, and you are not sorry about your indiscretions as far as I am concerned you ARE a terrorist. The problem here is his unapologetic ways, and the fact that only technicality's kept him out of jail. I asked some of the well educated people on here to help me to understand what is the relationship with Obama, but instead of that I got called names and once again no help. I found it myself, and YES, they have been together and no, they didn't build bombs together, but I knew that. You see, I want my president to be free of ANY wrong doing. Now I am not talking about a sexual indiscretion or whether you stole a candy bar when you were 12, but if you hang out with these people that have such shady pasts then I care. My only recourse is to not vote for this person. I think Obama's hands are dusty if not dirty with Acorn crap. I also think that if you spent 20 years in a church listening to a man tell you America is a bad country with no morals, and that white people are "white devils" then you should have left sooner, because I would have. However, none of this matters because for so long Obama has been untouchable. This is simply due to the fact of his race, because we don't want to anger the black race since at anytime they could riot and tear up there own neighborhoods once again. So it will be very interesting to see if Obama wins this election and we'll finally get the truth. I can hear it now, "If I would have known about that I wouldn't have voted for him."
No matter who wins this election we are guaranteed a couple of things, Ayers will not hide his past again( if you believe he did) and will pay at least some price for his sins. Whether you have personally or associated with someone who has bombed our country, never again in this great Nation will someone be given a free ride.
In closing I never said I was jumping ship as far as my choice for President. I agreed with Obama on some of his issues, they were then trying to revoke my conservative membership card.
Thanks for reading Bohank