Ferguson, Missouri Saved!
Ferguson, Missouri has had it's share of problems over the last couple of weeks after a 290lb man attacked a police officer and ended up dead for his troubles. Everyone who's anyone is showing up for this circus. They had Al Sharpton, the Chief of Police for this station and the other station. Swat teams showed up with their tear gas and rubber bullets, but nothing will quell the fires that burn the black man's elastic waistbands.
The New Black Panthers showed up, took over a fire station and then started bellowing their take on the situation and why the white man is holding up the black man, while just down the street there is a group of black men holding up a white man or was it another black man? No, they shot the black man, but robbed the white man, I think? Who knows, the story changes day to day and where you get it.
Today, an all black, leather clad biker gang known as the Outcast MC has shown up to stop looters, where the militarized police have failed. How comforting for business owners to know that biker gangs are protecting their property. I wonder what donations the business owners will provide to these altruistic members of society?
Now, right out of the blue, The Shriners have shown up, promising to run down looters outside and inside of malls and stores for donations that will help children's hospitals and burn centers. Before their tour of duty they provided a small display of their skills to warn would be looters and profiteers!