
George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina

Internet bully and misogynist, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, has been getting a lot of attention on the Internet. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is getting all this attention because George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina (a) was horribly abusive on twitter to Sandra Fluke, and (b) George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina seems to have no understanding about the Internet and public discourse in general.

After George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina tweeted misogynist and abusive insults at Sandra Fluke, she retweeted them and responded to George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. After TBogg blogged about l'affair George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina threatened him with legal action if TBogg did not remove the comments made by George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina in a public forum from the site and from all of teh googelz because George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina did not give TBogg permission to write about the comments George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina made in a public forum.

Like all bullies, the only audience George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina wants for his bullying are people who share the beliefs and behaviors of George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina. Go to TBogg's writeup to see screen caps of the comments George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina made on twitter in all their foulness. When the abuse George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina traffics in comes to light, George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina responds with privileged outrage that his bullying and misogyny are being hampered. George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina then ups his game and weirdly demands the entire Internet be scrubbed of the comments George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina made in a public forum.

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina originally attacked Sandra Fluke because she had the impudence to speak her mind publicly. Then, after George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina spoke his mind publicly, he threatened legal action against a blogger who spoke his mind publicly.

George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina is a perfect example of how right wingers and today's GOP operate. Like George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, they want the right to abuse and attack people they disagree with and they want those people to have absolutely no voice with which to respond or even speak up in the first place.

Sunlight is, indeed, the best response to people like George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina.

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