He can whine all he wants...
...It's not going to change anything.
Lately, my husband has been whining about the fact that he isn't getting sex everyday like he used to. Well, it's true, but it's because I'm busy all day, and into the evening, and then get maybe four hours of sleep at night because of Mr. Twitchy. It annoys me that he whines about it, because he doesn't seem to grasp in his mind all that I do around here.
My day starts at the same time as his: 6am. While he dresses and shaves, I make him his breakfast- usually some eggs or a breakfast burrito or two- then I prepare his lunch, make sure he has a few snacks, fill his water bottle up, put the flag out, feed the birds (four parakeets, one parrot), change their water, feed the fish, clean his water if necessary, then clean up all the things I used to make his breakfast. All this happens in the first 45 minutes. I don't even get to eat yet because I have to wait for my thyroid medication to kick in.
Now, he drives off to work, where he sits at his desk in his office, answering the phone, playing on the computer, every hour doing an observation- if he's there, that is. He usually has at least one appointment a day that gets him out of the office for an hour or two. Meanwhile, I'm back at home. After he leaves, our daughter usually wakes up. I get her out of her crib, change her diaper, then let her loose while I go fix her milk. She usually has a few crackers with breakfast too. Once she's settled in, I begin the actual work. Dishes are always first. That takes about an hour. Then some laundry. Then cleaning up the kitchen. Then cleaning up the living room the baby has already made a disaster area of. Then out to the garden to pull a few weeds and make sure it's watered so our fruits and veggies will grow nicely. Then I usually come in and have a bowl of cereal for myself while I check my email and other sites on the computer. I usually take half an hour for that. This is all before noon.
Now that I'm done with breakfast when I really should be having lunch, it's time to do some work on the house. Right now, I'm in the process of painting cabinets in our kitchen and bathroom. This includes removing doors and drawers, handles and hinges, removing all the contents of the cabinets, cleaning it out, taping up the hardware that can't be removed, then sanding it down before I can put on a coat of primer. Did I mention that I have to make sure my daughter isn't getting in trouble, isn't hurt, and doesn't need anything this entire time as well?
Well, now it's about time for her nap. I change her, make sure she has her pacifier, and put her down for a nap. Then it's back to work on cabinets for the next hour. After she wakes up, I get her some juice and a snack, clean up her room, check on my email again, then usually we have some errands to run. Lately, it's been picking up 10 or so 60 pound bags of concrete at a time (this happens twice) at Home Depot so sometime over the weekend the husband can do another section of sidewalk- which I help him mix and lay. If I'm not picking up concrete, I'm grocery shopping/shopping for other things for the house- paint, rollers, brushes, nails, screws, pulls, etc. If I don't have any shopping to do, I'm back to painting- laying coatings of primer down on the walls because the last people who had this place were NOT the interior decorators they thought they were. Then I usually try to find the time to do some exercising.
Around this time, I have to start thinking about dinner. So, I usually look for a recipe, take the meat necessary out of the freezer, then go back to whatever I was doing. Then, a couple of times a week I'll get a call from the husband to let me know that he's randomly invited people over for dinner. This is when I have to go back and take out more meat, or put it back and revamp my dinner plans. Then I have to clean up, because I'm usually covered in paint. I usually start dinner just before he gets home at about 5. Once again, this entire time, I'm refilling juice, getting snacks, stopping temper tantrums, and also managing to find an hour in that all to sit and spend time with my daughter- reading, showing her how to do puzzles, rough housing, etc.
When the husband gets home, he drops his dishes from lunch and breakfast into the sink, then goes and changes out of his uniform before flopping into one of the chairs. Every so often he'll go and do some work on the back room, or maybe try to mow a little of the yard, but not most days. I go back to fixing dinner. If it's just us, we usually get dinner around seven, and the baby goes to bed- I can usually at least convince him to put the baby to bed, but sometimes he won't even do that. Then we sit and eat, and try to get to bed between 10 and 11- after a movie, perhaps. If we're having company over, then dinner usually starts at around six, and lasts until ten or 11. At that point, I've been up for 15 or 16 hours with little break, knowing I won't get shit for sleep at night.
It's at this point, when he tries to grope me, that I slap his hands away. This is when he whines about not getting sex everyday like he used to. After what I go through in a day, there is no fucking way that I have enough energy to want to have sex, when I know I'm not going to get enough sleep, and have to repeat everything the next day. I know he works long hours, and is at his sexual prime, but goddamn, man. I need some fucking rest, so you and Rosy Palm better go get reacquainted.