How 2 git feeturd and git mor vews
Ok so i nevur git feeturd my stuff butt dat dos not meen i dont no how to
1- pretund you a girl. go git you an avy of a chik. you get way mor vews and suscriders
2- post porn and nakid chiks. you git even mor suscriders
3- kiss mods ass. writ a kiss ass comunt wenever a mod posts a video.
4- rite lots of stopid blogs to git atenshun
5- link yur stuff on oder site lik redit
6- use alt acounts to suscride to urself and 5 star yurself
7- ad anywan wiv a bald name to yur friends list
8- beg for suscriders and spam links of yur stuff
9- stole vedeos befur nyank. dats da hard part.
10- menshion ebum in yur title or put sumfin abowt ebum in yur uplod. lik take a pic or film yurself wiv a ebum headban. instand feeturd!
11- uplod pix of ugly peepol n call it "ebum user galury". instand feeturd!
12- mak gallury of gifs or randum pix. dis git feeturd once ur frend wiv da mods.
Dis shud garanteed you mor vews, mor eboners, and maybe a few feeturd.
pls suscride 2 me
1- pretund you a girl. go git you an avy of a chik. you get way mor vews and suscriders
2- post porn and nakid chiks. you git even mor suscriders
3- kiss mods ass. writ a kiss ass comunt wenever a mod posts a video.
4- rite lots of stopid blogs to git atenshun
5- link yur stuff on oder site lik redit
6- use alt acounts to suscride to urself and 5 star yurself
7- ad anywan wiv a bald name to yur friends list
8- beg for suscriders and spam links of yur stuff
9- stole vedeos befur nyank. dats da hard part.
10- menshion ebum in yur title or put sumfin abowt ebum in yur uplod. lik take a pic or film yurself wiv a ebum headban. instand feeturd!
11- uplod pix of ugly peepol n call it "ebum user galury". instand feeturd!
12- mak gallury of gifs or randum pix. dis git feeturd once ur frend wiv da mods.
Dis shud garanteed you mor vews, mor eboners, and maybe a few feeturd.
pls suscride 2 me