
I Don't Feel Guilty About Being an American

I have been reading a lot of blogs and comments on blogs, and one common theme I have seen is the putting down, mocking or just plain degrading remarks made against the United States.  Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and remember, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one (me included).  But, I want to say that I am proud to be an American, and I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I see all sorts of crap written about the US on these blogs.  Everything from one liners such as “F…. America” to “America sucks.”  So, here’s the thing.  Every country, and I mean every country has it’s flaws.  I know the US has high crime, gang problems, drug problems, etc…, so does just about every other country in the world.  Anyone been to South America lately.  Rio De Janeiro, Brazil has gang problems on an epidemic scale.  Colombia has three factions competing for power; they have the drug cartels, the legitimate government, and they have the left wing revolutionary kooks.  Not to mention Bogota, the capital has also been called the murder capital of the world.  Then you have Venezuela, who is ruled by a power hungry madman.  Then we have Germany, which is seeing an increase in hate crimes, France with their race riots, and then there is jolly old England with their ever friendly soccer (football) hooligans, who at one time were so out of control and caused so many riots they were banned from going to any other European soccer matches.  Then we have the feisty Canucks to the north who have no qualms about rioting if one of their beloved NHL hockey teams fail to win the Stanley Cup.


Those were just a few examples.  I could write a thousand page novel and still not cover every country.  The point of this blog is not to condemn other countries and try to say the US is the best country in the world, but I have to say I cannot think of any other country where I would rather live.  There are many countries I would like to visit, but I was born here, I live here and like I stated earlier, I have nothing to be ashamed of.  People on these blogs keep mentioning how the rest of the world doesn’t like us, and we are a rude country and we infringe on other countries’ rights, blah, blah, blah.  Whatever.  First of all who cares?  Second, if we are such a hated country, then why is the US called “the land of opportunity?”  Why do people from all over the world come here by the thousands each year?  Why has the US been called “the melting pot?”  Why is the US the only modern industrialized nation in the world whose population is still growing?  We just hit the 300 million person mark here in the last one – two years.  Other countries like Germany, France, England and Russia are seeing a decrease in their populations.  Why is that? Can anyone tell me?  Could it be that right here in the 21st century there are still people immigrating to the US?  Could it be that the people who already live here are still having babies because they recognize the US is still a great place to raise children?  I have six kids of my own all the from 15 years – 14 months.


So, I guess what I am trying to convey, is you don’t have to like the US, I personally do not care.  But, it sure would be nice for some people to give some educated criticism of the US and not just some media based liberal self loathing opinions of the US.  Give your opinions freely, but try not to sound like and ignorant 15 year old who suddenly feels that they are more enlightened about the world than the rest of us.  I’m 40 years old, and I certainly do not know everything, not even close, but I sure as hell know to do my homework before I lament about a topic. 


Oh and one more thing.  This is for all of you Americans who hate America, the government and feel that America is an oppressive nation.  The door swings both ways.  You folks can leave, so more room can be made for people who want to be here and actually contribute something.  Go to China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Vietnam, Syria, Saudi Arabia and see how long you would last after pissing and moaning about the governments in those countries.  You want to see oppression, you folks don’t know squat.  Quit being part of the problem and try being part of the solution to the problems here.


Thanks to anyone who is listening.  

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