You may remember my blog called '16 unbeatable feelings'? It contained the words 'extra £1,200 a year'. So anyway, i was reading through it again and happened to look at the comments left by people. I saw these three crackers. I couldn't believe the ignorance out there, but it did make me laugh!
In case anyone wants to know ( bcq2007, gizbo1328 and gonegethighx3), this is a euro- € this is a pound sign- £ and this is a dollar- $.
(Jun 27, 2008 11:34pm)
what is L1200? money or something?
(Jun 28, 2008 12:35am)
never met anyone that didn't know what a
Euro is.. wow. first time for
everything, i guess..
Euro is.. wow. first time for
everything, i guess..
read a fucking book