
Invade Mexico!! A War That Would Actually Do Some Good.

     I can think of a few good reasons for the invasion of Mexico, and some other small countries between the U.S, and the Panama Canal.  These are actually legitimate reasons that are very important to the United States such as National Security, liberating an oppressed people, and economic progress. Everyone knows that there is an illegal alien problem in the U.S.  What people don't understand is why that problem exists while our southern neighbors have the same natural resources that we have.  I'm going to make an attempt to clarify why these countries do not prosper the way that they should, and why they would be better off as American citizens.

     Let's start with corruption.  I'm not just talking about how every Mexican cop seems to pull over American vehicles to ask for $50 in order to not go to a shit hole jail cell.  I'm talking about the kind of curruption that leaves a people in complete poverty while all politicians and their families live in mansions that would put currupt Americans to shame.  Not only does the majority of the countries own generated wealth go to these lowlifes, they also get paid off by drug cartels from their own country, and South American cocaine cartels.  The economics of region have already been run into the ground.

      Mexicans want to be American!!  Sure, there are a lot of assholes that drive around with mexican flag bumper stickers, but we all know that wouldn't happen if they were still in mexico.  Let's go back to those shitty little mexican cops.  What do you think that the average mexican cop who makes about $300-$600 a month would do if the U.S took over, and gave him a raise to $30,000 a year?  Not to mention a health care, and retirement package.  That is something that we could not do in Iraq, because it would have been considered a conquest.  The campaign that I'm proposing is indeed meant as a conquest.  These are people that want to be American, and would be better off as American.

     National Security- There is more at stake than the illegals crossing the border at will.  The United States has a military technical advantage that will not last for hundreds of years.  I'm fairly sure that it will last our lifetimes, but that is not a definate for the future.  We have an obligation to make use of this superiority while we have it.  This would be a war of conquest that would make these countries more prosperous, and at the same time make the existing U.S a stronger country.  We would acquire oil, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, and some timber further south. Not to mention that the future border of the United States would be at the Panama Canal, which is only a ten mile wide border to defend.  National security is about making ourselves stronger.  That is how we will compete with China, and Russia in the future.

     I know this is all just crazy talk, but I hope that I made you at least think about it.  No, I didn't get the idea from some shitty Larry the Cable Guy movie.  I was just thinking about useless wars, and illegal aliens, and it just came to me.  If somehow this war actually happens, I'd like to see how it would play out.  God bless everyone, even the athiests, and douche bag liberals. Semper Fi

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