Mabey I knot soo smort?
I enjoy a cold beer occasionally. But, I'm allergic to it. I learned the hard way at the age of 16 when I first had beer, 6 of 'em, and ended up in the hospital with my parents looking EXTREMELY pissed the fuck off! The Doctor says that every beer I have is like someone else having 4 to 6 of 'em. So...2 beers fucks me up pretty damn well. I have to stick to whisky or bourbon if I don't want another hospital trip.
But DAMNIT I like to have one every now and again. I had a tall boy when I got home last night. That's really 2 beers which really equals 8 to 12 I guess. Why do I continue to do this? It hurts so fucking bad right now. My brain's gonna explode, my whole fucking body hurts, I've got the shits and I have apparently gassed my roomie to death.
Why, why, why do I do this?
Mabey I knot soo smort!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stoopid Deunan