Nothing Special
Ok folks, I have another sort of ranting type blog. I try not to complain too much, but sometimes the little things in life add up and then I must vent.
Usual disclaimer with some added notes: I am by no means trying to impose my beliefs on anyone, and if I get my facts wrong, I apologize ahead of time. (That was for you Infinitynothing)
Ok I’m just going to dive right into this. Common sense, we all suffer from the lack of it, especially me. But, I think one of the worst cases comes from the Chandler AZ school district. We all know that school districts have strict rules regarding weapons of any type, which I totally agree with. I am an advocate of private citizens owning guns, but students have no business carrying guns or knives or other weapons into the public school campuses. Anyway, about one year ago a junior high student in the Chandler, AZ school district was expelled from school for drawing a picture of a gun. WTF??!! A picture for crying out loud. Let me tell you, there was a big deal made about it, with good reason, but the school district stood firm for a long time stating that the picture of a gun instilled fear in the other students. What a load of horsecrap. So, I guess that means the next time I go on a call for service to someone’s home and they have a picture of gun on their wall, I can suddenly draw my weapon and start shooting. When my command staff hauls my ass upstairs I will just tell them I was afraid of the picture and was merely defending myself. Anyway, the expulsion was lifted and the kid was suspended for a short time.
Speaking of schools, what is up with honorable teachers losing their jobs because they refuse to pass a student who doesn’t deserve it. I know it happens all over the country, but it seems to be an epidemic problem here in AZ. Glendale, AZ a teacher failed a student, because she did not complete the required assignments, and she failed numerous tests. So, guess what? The parents complained to the teacher, who rightfully refused to change the grade. Then the parents decide to go to the principal and the school board, but the teacher stands firm. A short time later the school board overrides the teacher’s decision and the precious, self entitled student advances, and the teacher resigned. Give me a break!!!! I have seen some cases when the parents have sued the school district, because every once in a while the school district will grow a pair and back up the teacher. What are we teaching today’s children with that kind of behavior?
Many of today’s younger generation are turning into a bunch of self absorbed, selfish, “I’m more important than anyone else” type behavior. I’m not saying all young people are becoming this way, but there are a lot of you out there. If your sitting on a bus and there are no empty seats left, don’t make a lady stand. If you’re going out on a first date, then the man should pay. Hold the door open for a lady. Say please and thank you. And, for the love of God, if you don’t like your job then quit. Don’t take it out on my family or me. Rude and crabby store clerks, cashiers, waiters/waitresses you are not wanted or welcome, if you can’t at least pretend to be friendly. Don’t act surprised if your give crapp service and then you don’t get a tip. On the flip side, we customers and consumers need to be patient and friendly as well. Why make the employee suffer if you don’t have the world handed to you on a silver platter. Sorry if you didn’t get your meal for free because you didn’t like it. Next time don’t go back to that restaurant if your food was lousy, but don’t bust the manager’s chops because he cannot give you a full refund, take it up with the owner. Another thing, if you want the lowest prices when shopping, then clip coupons or grab the store flier. But, please do not take three different fliers from three different stores and go into Wal-Mart and stand in the checkout lane making the poor clerk compare the prices from all three fliers. I’m all about a good bargain myself, but come on, SHOW SOME COMMON SENSE!!!
All right, I’ve gone on long enough.