Scared as shit
Ok, so me and a bunch of my friends got high before we went to a movie. The movie we went to wasx eagle eye...good ass movie.....anyways, Then we were drivingto the movie theatre and then my somebody calls me friends phone, it was my dad!!!! Then afterwards when we got there, I wasn't too baked, I think i took 2 hits, but one guy was, and a bunch of the girls were too, so i was like fuck!! Then When we got to the front door and I looked around for a bit and then i found him, so i hid behind all of my friends, My dad and my sister were there, I was scared as shit. Then I got to the movie unseen by my dad and sister. So we got to the movie theatre and then i sat down and looked around and i didn't see them, it turns out they went to a different movie. THANK GOD....I hate it when parents see me high, anybodys elses parents too