8 Cartoon Theories From Your Childhood...
That Will Have You Saying, "WTH!"
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The Simpsons predicted 9/11: While Family Guy have been accused of predicting Bruce Jenner becoming a woman, The Simpsons went one further. Years before the attacks occurred The Simpsons showed this image – the $9 is positioned in such a way that the twin towers are the “11”. Scary. -
The Genie and merchant are one and the same: Now this is one I can definitely get behind. One theory proposes that the genie, posing as the merchant, was selling his own lamp in search of someone kind enough to set him free. Also both characters were voiced by the late Robin Williams. Coincidence much? -
The Smurfs are Nazis: One of the more hard line theories, some people believe The Smurfs have links to the KKK and the Nazis. First the hats look a bit KKK, whilst their salute is a little similar to the one Hitler adopted. Also, Gargamel (arch enemy of The Smurfs) has all the hallmarks of a Jewish stereotype. Gargamel even has a cat called Azrael, which just happens to be the name of the angel of death in Jewish tradition. -
Garfield hallucinated Jon and Odie: Garfield allegedly hallucinates Jon and Odie out of loneliness and slow starvation. The below strip takes place in an abandoned house where Garfield was apparently left to die; the rest is just a mixture of his wild imagination and will not to die alone. -
The Flintstones are actually from the future: Despite having us think that The Flintstones was set in prehistoric times, it seems some people Wilma and Fred were enjoying a post-apocalyptic world. The characters on the show clearly use modern tools and equipment that may have remained after the destruction subsided. -
Arnold’s grandparents are really his parents: There is evidence to suggest that Arnold’s grandparents are his birth parents and, as they are far too old to safely have a child, Arnold was born with some health problems. Arnold Chiari Syndrome is actually a real condition common to mature pregnancies and symptoms include a misshapen head and psychological problems. So is it just a coincidence that the main character’s name is Arnold? -
Snow White is really about cocaine: Some weird Disney fans have suggested that each of the seven dwarves represent the symptoms of cocaine addiction. This is supported by the obvious connections in the film, with Snow White referring to the drug itself and the names of the dwarves representing effects of the drug: Sneezy, sleepy, happy, dopey, grumpy, bashful and finally, a trip to the Doc. -
Angelica imagined the babies: One alternative interpretation of the hit show suggests that the only living child in the show is Angelica. It is supposed the babies had existed at one point but all died in various ways (nice). The children continue to live in Angelica’s wild imagination which explains why she is the only character who can understand both adults and babies. Now that’s one way to ruin a perfectly good show…