    • NastyCobra's Photo Dump
    • NastyCobra's Photo Dump

      • A concerning story coming in regarding the websites current problems. For the last few months there has been a problem with some users having to refrash the whole page. After speaking with a mod which can't be named, we have been made aware that the reason the site hasnt been fixed is that each page refresh, counts as a page view giving each feature more views, meaning more advertising money. Users have filed a class action lawsuit against the ebaumsworld scumbags. More to come on this story.
      • Feb, 21 2013 02:45pm
    • NastyCobra's Photo Dump
    • NastyCobra's Photo Dump

      • Here's a feel good story. Yesterday morning Puddle_Jumper was banned during his infamous morning news hour for spamming. After months of users putting up with his shenanigans the banhammer dealt a swift blow. We at the Breaking News feel for Puddle during this tough time. There will be a celebration party on Saturday night where most users not including Puddle will be invited. Leave the News to the professionals Puddle.
      • Feb, 21 2013 02:36pm
    • Forging Jaime Lannister's Sword - Game of Thrones
    • Forging Jaime Lannister's Sword - Game...

      • It's pretty amazing what celebs will share with their fans online, but it's a fair bet that Dean McDermott didn't mean to tweet a photo of his son with wife, Tori Spelling, topless in the background.McDermott shared the photo with his 74,000 Twitter followers 10 hours ago and although he deleted the tweet, the actual photo is still viewable on his Lockerz account.
      • Feb, 12 2013 02:00pm
    • Forging Jaime Lannister's Sword - Game of Thrones
    • Forging Jaime Lannister's Sword - Game...

      • Sex toy manufacturer sponsored the event, but there was no full-frontal nudity.The ten male participants wore masks and hid their genitals with orange buckets that would later reveal the fruits of their labor. To keep enthusiasm up for the contestants, scantily clad models danced around with sex toys and blow-up dolls, Shanghaiist reports.
      • Feb, 12 2013 01:57pm


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