    • Immortal Technique - Bin Laden
    • Immortal Technique - Bin Laden

      • the name of freedom and anti-communism), but its the ignorance and/or obedient consent or the majority of the nation that permitted this to happen...either ignorance or a mix of over-patriotism and illiteracy can lead to doing nothing to stop such horrors..I just resumed the majority of the u.s. population
      • Sep, 8 2007 08:25pm
    • Immortal Technique - Bin Laden
    • Immortal Technique - Bin Laden

      • BUSH KNOCKED DOWN THE TOWERS!...people are dumb enough to think this means he did it himself so they reject the idea right away and dont stop to think and see how much this supposed attack has been convenient for his government. But you idiots must think a little farther than what first meets the eye, bush didnt do it, he shut his mouth and gave his approval to the piece of shit politicians that had money to make in this event, in this case, republicans and a couple companies. The most shocking thing isnt killing your own young men to make your country more powerful (you wouldnt be surprised if you knew what the u.s. government has done for power if you read about the past military interventions since ww2,in the na
      • Sep, 8 2007 08:21pm
    • Bush Wins Urban Vote
    • Bush Wins Urban Vote

      • Whattt the hellll is this, I posted this video a while ago...Cant look further then your own site to bring ''new content'' ??? I guess my account will be deleted now
      • Sep, 8 2007 08:08pm
    • Bush Wins Urban Vote
    • Bush Wins Urban Vote

      • yeah tell those ignorant idiots ! corrupted and brainwashed minds from A to Z not even able to think for themselves. Every single thought in their heads about the external world has been analysed to fit perfectly in their empty AFRAID IGNORANT minds and fed to them like newborn puppies. I hope you all rot in shit forever =)...I do disagree with you on one point troll, some troops deserve your support and those are the deserters, seeking refuge in canada and other countries, otherwise they would be jailed in their own country for refusing to do completely immoral and illegal things. cheers
      • Sep, 8 2007 08:06pm
    • 3 U.S. Soldiers Trapped
    • 3 U.S. Soldiers Trapped

      • ...publication of videos on the live in a world of illusions where you let your patrotism ( a good thing ) get in the way of verifying information through other sources then your own government's
      • Sep, 8 2007 06:01pm
    • 3 U.S. Soldiers Trapped
    • 3 U.S. Soldiers Trapped

      • I talked about wikipedia because you would have qualified any other specialised site as proaganda, my point is to rely on different sources of information than regulated media such as tv/newspaper. If a powerful politician doesnt want a certain side of a story highlighted by the media, he will ask his friend (the president of foxnews per example) not to display certain facts that would affect his carreer in a direct or indirect way(and any journalist that would dare to report an inconvenient truth would be fired)..and for the record, I was free to speak my mind before the u.s. invaded Iraq, before 9/11 and ever since internet came out as there are no laws to block the expression of your thoughts or the publication of video
      • Sep, 8 2007 06:00pm
    • Insurgent Attacks In Iraq 2
    • Insurgent Attacks In Iraq 2

      • hey glad to see an old compilation of youre picked up again, I had taken this video and posted as my own a while back u prolly can recall. I just wish I had left your tag in the beggining. I would enjoy seeing new compilations of yours(although i can remember reading from you that you had made your last) because you clearly have skills in mixing audio-video
      • Sep, 4 2007 05:41am


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