    • Images...
    • Images...

      • Here, let me correct the title of this picture for you. Puppets...
      • Aug, 3 2014 11:33pm
    • Evolution? 2
    • Evolution? 2

      • Science has been around LONG before any church. Scientific discovery's, which is pretty much everything you see around you that is man made is also never 100% settled - science deals in probabilities, not certainties and is about narrowing uncertainty. No science is ever settled. Religion, however, is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence and is problem one the greatest cons ever created by man.
      • Aug, 3 2014 06:18pm
    • Evolution? 2
    • Evolution? 2

      • I've said it before and I'll say it again. Religion easily has to be the greatest bullshit story ever told and is the number one cause of every war that has ever existed on this planet. You're all basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.
      • Aug, 3 2014 06:02pm
    • The American Dream is No Longer an Option
    • The American Dream is No Longer an...

      • On top of all that I even run my own server in online gaming for Battlefield and Minecraft. The server costs per month are quite cheap which includes high speed connections and ddos protection. People will donate money to get VIP which includes added in-game advantages or extra console commands. All the donations pay for server costs with plenty of cash left over. I've even taught my 13 year old son how run and operate the minecraft server which runs on Linux. He has learned a lot on his own with a little help from me when it comes to coding in Linux. You can do anything you set your mind to, work hard at it and all the good things in life will follow.
      • Aug, 3 2014 03:46pm
    • The American Dream is No Longer an Option
    • The American Dream is No Longer an...

      • Plus my monthly mortgage is between 8-900. a month gas heat about 60- 80 and hydro about 80 and internet cable and phone around 125 and I live in a 4bdrm, 2bath with a garage on a decent sized property. A fucking 1 bdrm apartment around here goes for that much if not more. Like I said, some people are just to fucking lazy to even try to succeed in life.
      • Aug, 3 2014 03:15pm
    • The American Dream is No Longer an Option
    • The American Dream is No Longer an...

      • It's not that hard to get a good education and start your own business. I started my own business a few years back doing mold removal. I got a little help starting my business from Mike Holmes who has a reality show, Homes on Homes. Its all about who you know. I recently just finished a job removing mold from an old office building due to flooding. I made 35,000 from that job, my expenses were only around 8,000 including payment to only 1 other person who works for me and it only took us 3 days to complete the job. If you think that starting a business, purchasing a house, and starting your own family is no longer an option than that can only mean that you are to fucking lazy to even try to succeed in life.
      • Aug, 3 2014 03:03pm


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Sometimes I like to watch myself in the mirror, watching me, watch myself in the mirror... huh?

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