    • 9/11 And Flight 175 Alarming Footage
    • 9/11 And Flight 175 Alarming Footage

      • Conspiracy theory people are a million times more sickening than people who present the facts of a situation that debunk bogus conspiracy theories. The conspiracy theory morons are insidious but they sure as hell aren't brilliant, they are just morons.
      • May, 29 2014 05:14pm
    • 9/11 And Flight 175 Alarming Footage
    • 9/11 And Flight 175 Alarming Footage

      • It's great that most people recognize that 9/11 conspiracy theory people are just morons. There was a time 6-7 years ago when "9/11 truthers" were so popular but after their bull%@#& was debunked 30-40 times over, it wasn't so cool to be a troofer anymore.
      • May, 29 2014 04:35pm
    • 'UFO' blasting terrorists' encampment
    • 'UFO' blasting terrorists' encampment

      • It was obviously just this video with a "UFO" put on it. hilarious part is all of the morons arguing over the video and insisting it's a UFO.
      • May, 12 2014 03:23am
    • Hollywood Producer Claims Boston Bombing Was A False Flag
    • Hollywood Producer Claims Boston...

      • Really? I was there. It was very real. My friend Heather was walking around fine and then lost her leg in the Boston Marathon bombing. Smoke and mirrors are amazing. Idiot Hollywood people spouting bullshit is nothing new or shocking, it's what they are in business to do. The people who believe them are the real morons.
      • Apr, 27 2014 09:13pm
    • Just Barely Scraping by on $174,000 a Year.
    • Just Barely Scraping by on $174,000 a...

      • Have you always been a moron or are you just a congressman?Pay for EVERYONE in 99% of the country is at it's lowest inflation adjusted rate since 1990. These people have to maintain households where they do ALL of their work out of, pay taxes (congressmen's pay), PAY for healthcare, PAY for travel, a lot of things that are freebies for congressmen, and make A LOT less than $174,000. I have a BIG problem with them getting more money, especially when you consider how little they work and how blatantly stupid many are. The two Vietnams and ""When are we landing on Mars again?" lady should pay taxpayers for every dime she has ever made.
      • Apr, 5 2014 07:23pm
    • Full proof sandy hook was closed 5 yrs ago
    • Full proof sandy hook was closed 5 yrs...

      • M-O-R-O-N Yes, we all understand there are very weak minds that require conspiracy evangelism and need Alex Jones to live. I live a few towns from Newtown, Ct and it was certainly open, 20 little kids were definitely slaughtered, and there are devastated families. Try your brain on something you can handle like adding ones and twos.
      • Mar, 3 2014 05:29am
    • The Sucker Puncher Gets Sucker Punched!
    • The Sucker Puncher Gets Sucker Punched!

      • Sucker punching is everywhere like it's OK. A sucker punch made you a target from EVERYONE and someone who did it would get beat to death. If someone sucker punched me, they better make sure I'm dead.
      • Feb, 16 2014 06:17pm


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