    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW

      • Oh you'll get your groups to put up my videos?? You're so hardcore, what are you 30 years old?? You need to stop sending me messages with your friend jtclassic girl. btw you won't be able to get my videos. So sorry.
      • Oct, 13 2008 03:28am
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW

      • private message from dt1021: Just settle down. We are going to try and help you out. We don't want any problems, just let me talk to the head man and I'll get your video removed. About the harassing, I can't help what happens on your Youtube page. That's between you and Youtube. Now the videos being posted I can go ahead and delete them and put a URL ban on your video so they can't be taken from your Youtube site. Send me the list of the people harassing you and I will see what I can do. Thanks, DT
      • Oct, 13 2008 03:27am
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW

      • Yeah genius, we know, I'm working on trying to get him to take it down. I'm talking to some dd22 guy, but he has all your messages to me, and I would stop posting my videos if I were you.
      • Oct, 13 2008 03:14am
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW

      • Sorry Jtclassicgirl, those messages were really bad, and I had to forward them, just message me on here, I'm not accepting any more messages from you.
      • Oct, 13 2008 03:08am
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW
    • Pwnd almost 200 comments... WOW

      • You're just wasting your time Jstaclssicgirl, They will only be deleted pretty soon.... but GOOD NEWS! [email protected] just emailed me back, and they are looking into taking my videos down, and I already sent them all of your messages you sent me jstaclassic girl, and all the messages everyone else sent me were forwarded to ebaumsworld
      • Oct, 13 2008 03:02am


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