    • We got this... I think
    • We got this... I think

      • Thank you. We'll be back! And we're thinking about our friends in the north east. We've been in such a tunnel, we're just realizing what they endured :(
      • Sep, 5 2021 12:48pm
    • In my day....
    • In my day....

      • Aww man. That's harsh, I remember being a mall rat, riding bikes all day, no parents breathing down your back, no worries about safety or bullying- sure it happened but there wasn't such an emphasis. It was part of life and it taught us to handle our stuff. I remember TPing houses (kids can't do that or ring and runs because of security cameras), crank calls at sleep overs, and so many other things. I don't remember ever really being bored.
      • Jul, 31 2021 11:18pm
    • The Random Files
    • The Random Files

      • They can't teach things like that in school anymore. It offends people or maybe they've taken New Math a step further for New Temperature. IDK.
      • Jul, 30 2019 08:38pm
    • Currently in New Orleans II
    • Currently in New Orleans II

      • We haven't had a storm in several years but yeah we knew it was going to happen. Cali knows they'll have Earthquakes, the midwest will face wildfires and probably some tornadoes (every year- YES! EVERY year) and I'm not a meteorologist but I would put money on some blizzards and heavy snowfalls in the northeast. :) But if you know of a place that doesn't have any weather issues I'm sure we're all ready to move.
      • Jul, 13 2019 03:29pm
    • A throwback to the 50s~
    • A throwback to the 50s~

      • The hand written receipt is a nice touch (kind of looks like the same receipt they do for special orders at the local pizza dive)
      • Mar, 31 2016 09:17pm
    • Oh $h!t Moments
    • Oh $h!t Moments

      • I actually found myself in a similar situation, believe it or not. It's amazing how quickly they back down when you start cracking up laughing and pretending to shoot the footage on your phone. The woman was super aggressive but when she saw I wasn't going to get out, roll down the window, or do anything more than crack up and film, she turned tail and got back in her car. Guess she didn't want to go viral :/
      • Jan, 7 2016 09:42pm


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I often say, "OH LORD," when things are getting ready to explode, implode, or go nuts (it's everyone's cue to hit the ground). I dance while I drive, I sing at the top of my lungs when I'm alone (I don't believe in making others suffer).

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