    • 22 amazing lego creations
    • 22 amazing lego creations

      • 22 Creations, the 23rd was my interpretation. I would hardly call that a "creation." And yes, sometimes you upload an album and realize there were dups or something doesn't belong. Personally, I have more of a life than dwelling on that ^_^ I'm okay with duplicates once in a while, I will live :) TY though.
      • Jul, 29 2015 09:20pm
    • Start the week off right
    • Start the week off right

      • Oversharing and then they get angry if others comment and mind their "business." I just glance and move on in my happy drama-free bubble- RESPECT THE BUBBLE DAMNIT!!! XD
      • Jul, 28 2015 10:45am
    • 19 Bits of Randomly Randomness
    • 19 Bits of Randomly Randomness

      • I didn't take the pic or originally create it, IDK what was around- perhaps the place was CRAWLING with koala. Personally, I think it would be rather cool to walk in on that situation. I'll take koalas over New Orleans Mosquitoes any day.
      • Jul, 26 2015 01:13am
    • 8 times in history when the word Fuck was appropriate
    • 8 times in history when the word Fuck...

      • You are not an asshole, I HATE when I make typos (it's a rare thing but seems to happen a lot on here because I post quickly). I just have that silly southern syndrome where I call everyone sweetie, dearie, cupcake or peachpie.... and now that I see this it seems I have a killer hankering for a vanilla cupcake. O_O Damn my sweet tooth.
      • Jul, 24 2015 09:27pm
    • Humpday pic dump
    • Humpday pic dump

      • It's a requirement to join- Forget the taser, you MUST wear the gay glasses! XD
      • Jul, 24 2015 11:31am


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About Me

I often say, "OH LORD," when things are getting ready to explode, implode, or go nuts (it's everyone's cue to hit the ground). I dance while I drive, I sing at the top of my lungs when I'm alone (I don't believe in making others suffer).

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