    • Worst Rap Lines
    • Worst Rap Lines

      • rap is junk and will always be junk since the premise in every song is "love me cause I use to be poor and in the ghetto, now suck my dick you pussies and look at all of this bling I have"
      • Aug, 28 2014 08:38pm
    • A Gallery Honoring The Real Life Heroes Among US
    • A Gallery Honoring The Real Life Heroes...

      • Nothing but personal attacks is a sign a person holds no merrit in an argument, good day, you know nothing about me. Aside from what I say on a backdoor website in the bottom of a shit corner of the internet about some sky fairy freaks and religion. I base my life off personal experience because THATS HOW IT WORKS dipshit, what do you base your judgments off of the news and others opinions of stuf that you read online? If you don't use your own personal experiences your living off someone elses opinions and making them your own. Your attempt at a personal attack ill just shrug off as idiotic at best. You completely skipped past all of what I stated sorry my "misinterpreted facts" please tell me where I misinterpreted showing you where your just plain fucking wrong? As i just pulled the stats out and showed you "high school or equivalent" and you still cant see the damn light for what it is instead you attack personal as a weak minded person would.
      • Aug, 9 2014 09:45pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies
    • Atheistic Tendencies

      • bwak polly want a cracker, jesus this mike guys just stuck on repeat i wonder if he jacks off to this with his world of warcraft open on another screen and HOT POCKETS EVERYWHERE, i feel as though if i talk in this tone he wont hear us BUT NOW ALL HE KNOWS IS HOT POCKETS!!!!!!!
      • Aug, 9 2014 08:10pm
    • Shocking Moments In History
    • Shocking Moments In History

      • Okay your welcome to be a fucking brainwashed sheep, explain these three things,1) why did the government confiscate over 100 cameras in 30 min of the plane hitting the Pentagon that would show the plane hitting and never release them, 2) Tower 7? Planned demolishion nothing happened but a small fire and it collapsed... 3) the findings of thermometer melted steel pools and the world's engineers unanimous about the trade centers collapsing in a planned format and many steel beams found with explosive cuts. And that's just some proof want more? Fucking blind Americans
      • Aug, 9 2014 04:09pm


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I come from a land of great ice and snow, but the aurora I seen growing up got me turned on to space, and the wondrous bounty it can teach and give us. Free your mind and help the world, don't follow blindly for the hopes of eternal salvation, know this is your salvation and you are but stardust.

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