    • WEED!
    • WEED!

      • yeah, dudes like you give us stoners a bad name. just telling people it should be legal doesn't do jack. if you really care, type out logical reasons rather than "filler." this shit just strengthens the argument that stoners can't stop blazing long enough to defensd themselves. this is just like a session, if you can't stop saying stupid shit, shut the fuck up.
      • Sep, 2 2008 07:32am
    • eRep points
    • eRep points

      • i'm with phuck ebaum. if you need money that bad, you should be working, rather than sitting here getting "fake currency." best damn joke i've heard all day
      • Sep, 2 2008 07:28am
    • Emotional Hippies
    • Emotional Hippies

      • the funny part is that these idiots sit there and bitch. the don't take any active role, they just sit there and cry about a tree. if you want to make a difference go out and make a petition, hold a rally, do anything except sit there and whine like a little kid without a lolly-pop. actions speak louder than sniffles
      • Sep, 2 2008 07:06am
    • Politicians or Muppets
    • Politicians or Muppets

      • they're republicans. one family member's actions reflect on the whole family, and they're friends, and they're party, and the whole fucking nation. this is what happens when people bitch about family values
      • Sep, 2 2008 06:59am


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