    • Ghetto Street Fight Ends With Gunfire!
    • Ghetto Street Fight Ends With Gunfire!

      • my street is a pretty nice street, decent neighbors, kids running around playing. But directly behind my house is a set of shit apartments. Which houses 90% black, 10% wanna be black. Not once, not twice, but three separate times since memorial day, has there been a fight, and some fuck face threatens to come back with a gun. then 8 police show up back there. Its really fucking sad really. you wonder why the cops patrol your complex so much? You act like idiots, they expect you to act like idiots, and with all these kids running around id say they have even more of a right to sit and watch your crew day and night.
      • Sep, 3 2014 06:33pm
    • Another one bytes the dust.
    • Another one bytes the dust.

      • is that all you got out of the fan? that isnt that bad dude. Ive taken a laptops keyboard off, just to have 30 roaches escape into my work area. I put the laptop back in its bag, zipped it up, put it outside, and charged the lady for diagnosis ($35) and 65 dollars for an exterminator. She objected for all of 10 seconds.
      • Sep, 3 2014 06:30pm
    • Angry UPS Driver Making Special Delivery
    • Angry UPS Driver Making Special Delivery

      • this is exactly why my company cut their corp account with UPS and switched to Fedex. We caught our UPS driver not once, not twice, but three times kicking boxes filled with fragile computer equipment off our loading dock into his truck. when we finally confronted him, he was a nasty little shit of a man. UPS is full of people like this.
      • Aug, 22 2014 02:42pm
    • Proof the Media is Lying about what is happening in Ferguson.
    • Proof the Media is Lying about what is...

      • when you have a "free speech" zone shit is fucked up. When they are doing everything in their power to stop the media, stop protest. you know shit is going down the wrong way. The revolution will not be televised.
      • Aug, 22 2014 02:11pm
    • News Crew Tear-Gassed By Cops In Ferguson, Mo
    • News Crew Tear-Gassed By Cops In...

      • do you see rioters around? do you see protesters around? do you see anyone other than news crews around? then it was unjustified. and was nothing more than a tactic to remove the media.
      • Aug, 14 2014 08:59pm


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