    • Okay, so I'm a little confused about politics this year...
    • Okay, so I'm a little confused about...

      • I seriously do not know where you are getting your information. 1. How is Obama more of a liar than McCain? 2. I highly doubt you know more about politics or else you would realize that the majority of your "facts" or horribly scewed and incorrect. 3. I think you are mentally handicapped or just have some serious issues...
      • Sep, 29 2008 01:14am
    • More about salvia
    • More about salvia

      • anywhere. well at least I am from California and you can buy it in any smoke shop. But it is a little expensive, but not too bad.
      • Sep, 11 2008 07:37pm
    • They are scared and should be..........
    • They are scared and should be..........

      • No she may not be running for President but if something happens to McCain then she will automatically become president. Remember that McCain, if elected, will be the oldest president ever, and he also is not in the best of health. Add the two together and what you get is Palin as President...
      • Sep, 4 2008 08:02pm
    • Shout Out to Idiot Republican America
    • Shout Out to Idiot Republican America

      • totally agree. It is interesting how Republicans consist of two groups, the elite few who love making money off of others, and americans too stupid to know what is best for their country. This latter group hears someone talk about protecting America and about being patriotic, notice that the number one theme brought up throughout the convention was about McCain being a PoW, and they think that that person is the best for America. This group of people doesnt understand that the majority of the things that are said by McCain and Palin are lies or twisted statistics. It is just disgusting that so many people actually believe all that is said in these presidential elections. I find it interesting that the majority of Democrats are people with a college education who actually are involved in their country and know what is best. So who do we want running? Someone whose main strong point is being a PoW, or someone who actually will be good for our country and will bring a much needed cha
      • Sep, 4 2008 06:42am
    • They are scared and should be..........
    • They are scared and should be..........

      • wait, what executive experience does she have other than being the mayor of a tiny town and the governor, not even for a full term, of a state with the population of a city. Obama may not have true executive experience, but few presidential candidates actually do, however for practically his entire life he has been embroiled in politics. He has spent his life devoted to helping middle class workers as a lawyer and he was the first African American as PRESIDENT of the Harvard Law Review. Who would you rather have as president, someone with true experience, or a self-professed hockey mom who spews lies and has no true experience in Washington?
      • Sep, 4 2008 06:37am
    • They are scared and should be..........
    • They are scared and should be..........

      • yes she has done great things as mayor and as governor. Such as leaving Wasilla in 22 million dollars worth of debt, supporting the "bridge to nowhere" even though she said she did not in her speach. She also was able to accumulate 348 dollars per person in pork and barrel spending and stipends from the federal government even though her campaign was created around the fundamental basis of opposing that. (the national average of money per person is only 24 dollars and in Alaska they received 348) She increased the taxes in Wasilla by 38% and implemented tax cuts for big businesses. There are a multitude of other things that I can say to just show how horribly hypocritical everything that she says actually is. While watching the speech today I was amazed at just how practically everything she said was a lie. And it is sad people like you actually believed it.
      • Sep, 4 2008 06:13am
    • Stupid is as stupid does
    • Stupid is as stupid does

      • haha all I have to say is that this is just pure stupidity and naivety if you make a blog with all the atrocities Christian extremists have done it will be 100 times as long
      • May, 21 2008 06:16pm


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