    • ReligiON ReligOFF RAPE EDITION
    • ReligiON ReligOFF RAPE EDITION

      • So, with a little understanding you can see that rape is a crime punishable by death for the MAN, IF the woman already has a man to support her and provide wealth and protection for her family. If the woman does NOT already have a husband, then rather than kill the man and leave the woman alone, with a child, 3000 years ago, to starve to death, the man must pay alot of money to the womans family, and marry her to feed and house and clothe her and her child for the rest of his days. The whole thing is about protecting women, you just have to understand the context.
      • Jul, 21 2014 11:01pm
    • ReligiON ReligOFF RAPE EDITION
    • ReligiON ReligOFF RAPE EDITION

      • I think there is a lack of response because you havn't made enough of an argument to need defending. From the million~ words in the Bible you've managed to reference three verses to try and substantiate your point, and none of them say what you want them to.For instance, Deuteronomy 22 says:25 If a man find a married damsel and rape her, then the man that lay with her shall die. 26 Unto the damsel you shall do nothing, as she has not sinned. 27 For the man found her, and the damsel cried, and there was no-one to save her.And it is in THIS context which you should understand verse 28: 28 If a man rapes an unmarried virgin; 29 The man will pay the girls father 50 shekels of silver (an enormous amount in those days), and she shall be his wife because he has done her wrong, he must support her and her children for the rest of his days, and cannot divorce.
      • Jul, 21 2014 10:57pm
    • "Israel is Only Defending Itself"

      • You don't know much history, do you?Jews flooded to PALESTINE during the reign of Hitler as it was touted as the only safe place in the world for them. The Palestinian people were good to the Jews, but the Jews decided that they wanted Palestine to themselves, so they tried to steal from the only people in the world who had offered them safety. There was a war, the Jews won, and stole Palestine. Now they are committing genocide against the remaining Palestinians.
      • Jul, 19 2014 12:18am
    • Important Political Blogs: World War 3?
    • Important Political Blogs: World War 3?

      • Also they are intolerant of GMO crops, even making criminals out of people who bring them into Russia. This is again another thorn in the NWO agenda which suggests that Russia has genuinely gone rogue on it.
      • Jun, 22 2014 04:35pm
    • Important Political Blogs: World War 3?
    • Important Political Blogs: World War 3?

      • Shy is right. The entire Ukraine situation is a western creation, like ISIS. Zebrameat knows nothing, as usual.It is difficult to say exactly what is happening, whether Russia is merely roleplaying the good guys and the West roleplaying as bad guys, like Germany in ww2. Or, Russia has rejected the NWO and essentially gone rogue, and the NWO is trying to corner it. Personally i am more inclined to the latter, given that there is good evidence for Russias rejection of the NWO agenda, once you recognise what that agenda is. Intolerance for "PussyRiot", types who debase culture and homosexual indoctrination of youth is directly contrary to the NWO agenda which is trying to spawn a luciferian world religion.
      • Jun, 22 2014 04:32pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies
    • Atheistic Tendencies

      • When there have been enough false flags and government funded/trained/brainwashed religious extremists like ISIS, then religion will be criminalized and you will be enabled to "crusade" for atheism. Its been the plan for over a century.
      • Jun, 19 2014 09:24pm
    • Monsanto trying to Sue Vermont State for GMO labelling
    • Monsanto trying to Sue Vermont State...

      • If anyone would like to show support for Vermont State, please go here
      • Jun, 15 2014 03:13pm


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