    • fuck abortion
    • fuck abortion

      • Sperm is life too. Stop masturbation genocide!
      • May, 2 2013 01:28pm
    • Why Democrats should not have Guns
    • Why Democrats should not have Guns

      • I'd bet that those guys weren't all registered Democrats. If they were, they were probably too busy smearing their shit on the walls to actually take part in the political process.
      • Apr, 16 2013 01:10pm
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's Creation account
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's...

      • Satan makes 'tards? Plus, remember, just because you know shit about science doesn't make you qualified to debate it. By the way, figure out how to prove the Earth orbits the Sun yet?
      • Apr, 4 2013 01:45pm
    • A Question for My American Brothers and Sisters
    • A Question for My American Brothers and...

      • Hate for him to surprise us though. He can build a bomb. He can build a ballistic, three stage missile delivery system. But I don't think he can build a bomb small enough to fit in his missile. Hate to be wrong though.
      • Apr, 4 2013 01:25am
    • A Question for My American Brothers and Sisters
    • A Question for My American Brothers and...

      • The dodgeball thing, I can say for sure, has happened. Now kids play "peaceball" where they throw faux gym balls at each other. They are partially inflated and light. You could fire one out of a cannon and do no harm. Sure, I wasn't the uncoordinated fat kid that threw like a girl. I could throw a gym ball like a god. I'd rear back until my knuckles touched the ground and unload like I was hurling Mjolnir. So... I liked dodgeball. I miss it. I can understand why some people didn't like it though.
      • Apr, 4 2013 01:24am
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's Creation account
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's...

      • The Earth orbits the Sun? Prove it. You can't directly observe it happening. You have to create a test. You can't be 100% sure that whatever is happening is just giving you the impression that we're orbiting the Sun. Many of those debunked theories you listed earlier were considered "facts" by the community at large. You see... You don't know shit about science or how it works, but you feel like you're qualified to debate it with people who do.
      • Apr, 2 2013 01:39pm
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's Creation account
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's...

      • No, they're theories. If you want to talk about science, you have to use the language and follow the rules. You don't know shit about science. The theory of evolution has passed as many rigorous tests as heliocentric theory and is just as accepted in the scientific community. We can't directly see the Earth orbit the Sun. We have to look at what we can observe and come to conclusions. Based on what we can observe, we can make predictions. "If the Earth orbits the Sun, then we should be able to observe X." Then we look for X and see if it's observable. You can't prove a theory, you can only find evidence to support it. You never try to prove a theory, you try to disprove it. Every time you fail to disprove it, the theory becomes stronger and more accepted. The entire discipline of biology is based on evolution and genetics.
      • Apr, 1 2013 04:07am
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's Creation account
    • 10,000 prize to disprove Bible's...

      • No, I'm not embarrassing myself. You just can't read. I said the article you linked to was about the age of the Earth (4.5 billion years). The universe is 13.7 billion years old. Yes, "fact" isn't a scientific thing. Theories are as close to facts as science gets. The idea that the Earth orbits the Sun is a theory. The Earth being a giant sphere is a theory. Living things being made of cells is a theory. I never claimed to be a cosmologist (although I have a degree in physics with a minor in astronomy), I said I'd be interested to know how you feel you could debate the methods of estimating the age of the universe with a cosmologist.
      • Apr, 1 2013 02:39am


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