Abandoned Theme Parks
- Creepy Abandoned Theme Parks.
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An Unwanted Answer to an Unwanted Question.
- Is Today's Jew the New Nazi?
Disgusting Ingredients You're Eating Right Now
- Did you know you eat this stuff?
This Is Some Grade A Bullshit!
- A Deep Thought of Little Significance
10 Porn Stars Who Are Smarter Than You
- Who said adult movie stars can't be educated?
$143 Million Dollar Jewelery Heist
- A remarkably easy heist... inside job perhaps?
Small tribute to Leonardo
- Some examples of the genius of Leonardo da Vinci
Bizarre Coincidences & Unsolved Mysteries
- Weird coincidences and unsolved mysteries throughout...
Man Says Abandoned Homes Are Free
- A family's home is taken from them while they were out...
13 unexplained mysteries
- makes you think
Zoo's of the Future
- futuristic zoos
Amazing Places On Earth
- These are the most awesome places on earth.
You want to own a private Island ?
- Here are some options
Top Ten Most Dangerous Guns in the World
- Most powerful and dangerous killing machines in...
Beautiful Gardens
- The world's most beautiful gardens.
The 10 Creepiest Places on Earth
- These are some creepy places.
20 Great But Overlooked Films On Netflix
- Classics and present hit movies that most people tend...
Wing Chun Vs Muay Thai with Shattering Conquences
- being proficient in Muay Thai I can clearly see the...
How To Destroy A Boxer
- This guy scares me.
Top 20 Knockouts In UFC History
- Knockouts from front kicks to body slams to one punch...
Functional Steampunk Gatling Gun
- A copper encased functioning gatling gun complete with...
Is the Aston Martin One - 77 The Dominant Super Car.
- There is Noo car here that out beats the Aston Martin...
Homes of World Leaders
- Awesome homes
Hairynubs Hammers A Nail Into His Hand
- Watch an eBaum's user drive a nail into his own hand...
Some of the Worst Infections
- Viruses, Fungus, and Amoebas OH MY
Living With Jigsaw
- Having the puppet from saw as a roomie isn't as cool...
The Sunken City of Heracleion
- Amazing things found in the underwater city of...
Greatest Minds and Philosophers of the World
- Just a small selection of very influential people to...
Inspire strikes back
- Some inspirational quotes, mixed with some random pics.
Some Serious Machinery
- Huge and complex machines
Meet The Super Hot MMA Champion Anastasia Yankova
- Champion of Russia in Muay Thai.
A World Beneath Us
- In the Chongquing province of China, a team of expert...
Heat Sensative Nissan Skyline
- obviously the coolest paintjob ever
Super Expensive Awesomeness
- These item's come with high price tag's. but they are...
Awesome Tree House Community in Costa Rica
- Finca Bellavista is a treehouse community of 25...
Beautiful Vacation Destinations
- Let's travel
Versace Mansion is Sold
- Versace mansion Casa Casuarina in Miami Beach was sold...
Fearless Climbers
- People that are fearless of heights
Magnets Hitting Terminal Velocity
- Be careful with these, you could lose an eye!
Traveller's Guide To Eating
- Here's some small examples of what is expected of you...
- 2 Uploads
- Profile Views: 11,906
- Media Views: 96,266
- Media Watched: 6,386
- Media Featured: 2
- Media Favorited: 270
- Last Login: 300 weeks ago
- User Since: Jan 8, 2012
About Me
-I’m not on here looking for a One Night Stand so ladies, I don’t appreciate being asked for pictures of my junk (as miraculous as it is) . I’m also not on here looking to get married (but I wouldn’t rule it out, I’m awesome marriage material) ÃÃâÃÂ
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