Listen To A Fully Restored Violin Machine From 1910
- This Hupfeld Phonoliszt-Violina was first debuted at...
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A Video CNN Will Play At The End Of The World
- A never-before-seen video the last living CNN employee...
Humans Need Not Apply
- Will the workforce be entirely replaced by robots?
D-Day Pictures 70 Years Apart
- Past and present photographs of various locations from...
Spraying Dye Around Ocean Sponges
- A cool experiment that shows the filtration ability of...
Cold Beer - An Ode To Man's Favorite Beverage
- A melody dedicated to that delicious hoppy goodness.
The 40-Year-Old Psychopath
- There are certain things about who he is...
Dog Saves Owner's Life One Last Time
- Astonishing story of a dog's final days.
A Homeless Man Gets A Home
- MagicofRahat is at it again with another surprise for...
Incredible 800 Year Old Icelandic Hymn
- Sung in a German train station. Gives me chills.
Flying Robot Rockstars
- A Team of flying robots that have taken up ...
Singing-Bird Pistols Worth $5.8 Million
- The Only Pair of Matching Singing Bird Pistols,...
Kids React To Walkmans
- Portable cassette player from way back.
How To Kill A Joke
- Chip ruins the mood.
A 1950s Neighborhood In Modern Day America.
- Photographer Michael Paul Smith has taken a lot of...
The Best Border Checkpoint Refusal Video
- How all these stops should go. Know your rights...
Fan Catches Ball in Beer and Chugs
- There is a ball in my beer?!?!
Kids Toy Fail
- Mother what?!
A Drum Set With Flamethrowers
- Hank Hill would be proud.
Little Girl's Impromptu Blues Performance
- Emi Sunshine shows off her talent at a Tennessee flea...
So You Think You Can Whistle?
- This is the weird type of shit people did before...
Amazing 3D Basketball Court Projection
- An incredibly cool projection system transforms the...
25 Predictions That Were Absolutely Wrong
- Predictions that were way Off
The Greatest Speech Ever Made
- Charlie Chaplin's powerful speech from the Great...
Do we have Free Will?
- CampKill explores and explains why you probably do not...
An 8 Year Old Boy Pays It Forward
- An Ohio boy shows his gratitude to a soldier for his...
Jumping Fitness Gone Wild!
- (no horses were harmed)
A Study in Brand Minimalism
- Don't you think these products could be more inviting...
Eye Of The Dot Matrix
- The classic song "Eye of the Tiger", performed by a...
Chinese Acrobat Has Insane Skills
- Acrobat Kai Hou gives us an impressive display of...
Leopard Tank Emergency Brake Test
- How good are the brakes on this tank? Stand right...
Berkut Wars
- Sh*t just got real in the Ukraine. The rebel alliance...
Black belt VS new student
- When it hits you that, sometimes.... experience isnt...
Appropriate Response To Justin Bieber DUI
- A man's reaction when hearing the recent news about...
Terrifying Video of Fearless Kids Hanging From...
- Russian kids hanging off buildings and other crazy...
Girl Trips On LSD And Draws Self Portraits
- A woman draws several portraits and the evolution is...
27 Awesome Cinemagraphs
- When still images come to life...
Drugs at Work 2: Christmas Edition
- Watch this man give "safety advice" after ingesting...
Conan: More Scripted Main Stream Media
- A funny yet somewhat scary segment about scripted...
- 3 Uploads
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- User Since: May 24, 2011
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