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Tallan Noble Latz GOT TALENT
Len - Steal My Sunshine
- Music video by Len performing Steal My Sunshine. C...
Drunk girl gets stuck in the drier
- and gives us quite a few good shots while trying to...
You can't unsee this
- crazy mang
Furry Costume
- cat doesn't seem to care at all
Trafficstop Horror
- holy crap....I wasn't expecting that
Extreme Mountain Bike Helmet Cam
- Feel free to try this at home, but please wear a...
Emo boy death by knife
- Boy slits his throat over cheating bitch.
A 100 year history lesson in 2 minutes
- Everything you ever needed to know about history...
Boobytrapped moped (*warning graphic*)
- Brutal but incredible video. Cannot believe the one...
Truck Goes Wrong Way On Freeway
- What happens at the end? Should of got an Ferd.
Girl Lifts 3 Times Her Weight
- How did she do that?
Ever Had Ice From A Hotel?
- Lol Makes You Think Twice Dont It ?
German Bert and Ernie
- WTF....
Restraint..... Kitteh Haz Its!!
- Terran kitteh cannot withstand the Zerg puppy rush.
Idiot nearly killed by train
- A dumbass runs across the tracks right before a train...
7 Billion
- Interesting facts about the world as we approach 7...
blind artist!!!
- a man born without eyes can draw amazing pictures!
20 Car Pile Up In Colorado
- he says this is terrible, but he is laughing
Indian water park fail
- San Francisco just called. They want all their homos...
Tickle my vagina
- she likes having secks with beerded men
Video of Sting-ray Giving Birth
- Supposedly the douchebag got them back in the water
Black Guy Dances Into Traffic, Gets Hit By A Truck
- Natural Selection At It's Best.
Ladder Parkour
- Looks pretty dangerous
How to Tie a Tie
- Beautiful demo.
Glowsticks in a Toilet
- Best idea ever
Washing Machine Destroyed by Large Rock
- Skip to the 50 second mark...
700 lb. Kid Lives Naked Under Stairs
- there is obviously something wrong here
Donkey Forced to Parasail
- The donkey was in the air for over half an hour
Parrot Imitates Vuvuzela
- Just when you thought they were gone.
Stoner Engineers
- Why settle for an apple?
Funny pot smoking entertainment show Ep3Pt4of4
- Funny pot smoking entertainment show. In this part we...
BEST guitarist ever
- this guy is insane
The World's Largest Gummy Bear
- I seen the commercial last night. This thing is real.
Jewel karaoke bar prank
- Jewel goes undercover, sings her own songs, and stuns...
Simon's Cat
- Pretty accurate portrayal. All the cat owners know...
Foul Mouth Phone Kid
- Shut Up You F****** Bitch...
Street Fighter Cats
- Fight!
Super Fast Ninja Cat
- He's like a jack in the box with claws
- 19 Uploads
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- Media Views: 22,991
- Media Watched: 10,541
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- Media Favorited: 628
- Last Login: 711 weeks ago
- User Since: May 10, 2008
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am tired.
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