Kids Cover 'Forty-Six & 2' By Tool and Absolutely Nail...
- These kids absolutely NAIL this cover of a Tool song....
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The Best of Youtube
- The greatest the internet has to offer.
Chris Hansen Highlights
- From To Catch a Predator...he has some awesome one...
Dumb 911 Calls
- These morons will call 911 over anything. A bonus...
Lost Cat Email Thread
- Woman loses her cat and asks co-worker to help with...
Muppets Do Bohemian Rhapsody
- This has been stuck in my head.... Paying it...
Break Dance Cat Victim
- Poor pussy
Heckler vs Comedian
- Stand Up Comedian Joe Klocek invites a heckler from...
Father of the Year!!
- What an idiot...did he really think it was gonna work!!
Girl Arrested For Calling 911 to Help Dying Father
- If you already hated the police then get prepared to...
School Bullies Go Way Too Far Pranking This Kid
- It probably should have stopped at induced vomiting...
National Anthem Killed
- poor guy forgot the word
Sexual Innuendos In Comics
- Old comics taken slightly out of context.
Funny Newspaper Clippings
- All of these clippings have been featured in...
Mr. Belding is a Pimp
- These pics are further proof Mr. Belding is a pimp!!
Funniest Comments Ever on eBaum's
- Here are some of the funniest comments from media on...
Best Of: When You See It
- The best of those pics that make you take a second...
Drive Thru Prank Backfire
- If only this guy knew how to drive.
Hilarious Sport's Highlight
- I think all news reports should be reenacted with...
World's Dumbest Store Names
- I doubt these people looked at these signs from a...
26 Politically Incorrect Images
- Not for the faint of heart.
Ninjas Protest Pirate Festival
- Will this end the debate of Ninjas vs Pirates, or is...
5 Types of Luck
- Here are the 5 types of luck as demonstrated by people...
Insane Basketball Shot
- Kid jumps off of a roof into a basketball hoop. I am...
Funny Signs
- You don't see signs like these every day.
Hyphenated Humor
- 18 reasons to NOT hyphenate your last name when...
Tattoo Failures
- Owned... for life!
Faces of Meth
- A video displaying the devastating effects of Meth.
Owned By Hose
- Two car wash patrons get owned by the power hose.
- One of Isabella's Rossellini's shorts.
- 140 Uploads
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- Media Views: 1,098,447
- Media Watched: 6,629
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- Last Login: 235 weeks ago
- User Since: Jul 10, 2007
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I program robots for a living.
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