- Don't get STD's Schoolyard Transmitted Disease
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Clerks Clip
- Buffalo Bob parody.
Big Jugs
- Not what he thought he was purchasing!
- Call now for lameness.
Laughing Monkey
- This is just creepy!
Botched Robbery
- He forgot about the guard dog.
Babe Loves To Give Head
- She prefers long necks.
The 90s Called. . .
- The want their clothes back.
- This guy will help you get laid . . . NOT!
Change Of Breed
- If you owned a Corgi but wanted a Wiener dog, here you...
Boxing Boyfriend VS Girlfriend
- He hits like a girl and she hits like a guy!
Bank Robbery Goes Bad
- Inept criminals rob a sperm bank!
Clairemont Canyon Madness
- Resist the urge to self bail.
Dirt Bike Storage
- When you gotta park in a hurry.
Gay Soccer Fight
- They hit like a girl!
Mortal Kombat
- Finish him - with a happy ending!
Pilobolus Artroupe
- Living Artwork
You Got Me
- Web cam prank.
Worst Blind Date Ever
- Couldn't have been worse.
The Hot Farts Band
- Decention amongst the ranks.
Sucking It In
- The truthall women share!
Star Trek Rap
- Its funnier if your a hardcore Star Trek fan.!
Rock Skipping Champion
- This has gotta be a world record.
Boy Genius Or Pervert
- Jeremy is a special boy!
Ghetto Fireworks
- How to make steel wool fireworks.
Great Vacation
- Till wifey finds out!
Koko The Gorilla
- The streets will flow with the blood of the...
Poor Investments
- Jake makes a big speech, in his diamond coat.
Shoeshine Stripshow
- Great Prank
Expert Lesbian Kiss
- Learn how to do it right.
The Morning After
- Sometimes life doesn't turn out like your high school...
Star Wars Vs Rush Hour
- Movie Mashup
Star Wars Flashdance
- Bobba Fett almost nails the ending!
Naked Pictures Of Your Girlfriend
- Who knew the deadly consequences of noncompliance?
Funny Cat Compilation
- Cuteness.
Male Gymnast
- Gymnasty!
Buttered Floor
- Funny prank on rude room mate!
Girl With No Balance
- Trying to learn the bicycle!
Freehand Yo Yo
- Impressive skills!
Facts About Porn
- Don't be cattle and follow the herd, think for...
- 194 Uploads
- Profile Views: 48,818
- Media Views: 1,030,681
- Media Watched: 609
- Media Featured: 3
- Media Favorited: 0
- Last Login: 589 weeks ago
- User Since: Aug 25, 2008
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