Construction Base Jumping - EXTREME
- Yes it's fake, but you know you wanna try it!
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Early Morning Christian Shows
- If you can understand what they are talking about at...
Under Barack Obama - Umbrella Spoof
- Funny MAD TV parody of Rhianna's Umbrella featuring...
R.I.P. Mitch Mitchell
- John "Mitch" Mitchell, the drums behind Jimi Hendrix...
Shamwow! parody
- Pretty funny parody of the infamous Shamwow!
Scaring my sleeping girlfriend.
- My mom got me a light up halloween candy bowl today...
Crazy Accident Car vs. Bike
- If you listen you can really hear bones shattering...
Breaking News People dying is funny.
- News anchor laughs when talking about a fire that...
Guy wrecks car on camera.
- Maybe you shouldn't be fing around with your dog,...
Girl misses her landing and falls hard.
- I think she overshot just a tad bit.
Crazy Stunts.................. That end bad.
- Gotta love watching people get hurt!
Funny video from Iraq
- This soldier is making the best of his time in Iraq
Guy takes Ipecac in the mall.
- Well if you know what ipecac is you know how this...
Crazy and Unique Guitar Solos From Some of the Best
- A compilation I made of some crazy guitar solos
Travis Barker calling for help after plane crash
- Audio from the ambulance that arrived on the scene of...
R.I.P. Richard Wright of Pink Floyd
- RIP Rick Wright the pianist of Pink Floyd died at age...
I can't stop laughing...
- ...neither can they!!
Funny news bloopers
- Some funny ass bloopers from some news channels.
Fatty in a catapult swing.
- Watch this fatty scream while the lady next to him...
Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher attacked onstage in...
- A guy in the crowd rushed the stage at an Oasis...
Criss Angel fights with contestant on phenmenon
- The contestant did an act communicating with the dead...
Sinper shoots at american soldier.
- I would piss myself if this happened!
Idiot racer's EPIC FAIL!
- Proof that karma, is in fact, a wall.
Talent and some fails from around the world
- Think you've got skill, check these people out!
Biker slammed by a car.
- Its amazing he gets up after that!
Ouch Compilation
- Ouch, that's gotta hurt vol. 2!
The Spell Checker
- I halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea...
Smart Shopper
- A salesman is driving toward home in Northern Arizona...
Mental Disorder Cristmas Carols
- SCHIZOPHRENIA: Do You Hear What I Hear? DEMENTIA: I...
Funny abbreviations
- Two guys and a girl were sitting at a bar talking...
The key to happyness
- To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot...
Unusual Funeral
- A woman was leaving a convenience store with...
Things you don't say to your wife
- Hilarious parody of Greenday's "Time of your LIfe"
Girl Does Spaghetti Trick
- Girl snorts spaghetti up her nose and pulls it out her...
Gender Procedures at the Drive-up ATM2
- MALE PROCEDURE 1. Drive up to the cash machine. 2....
Gender Procedures at the Drive-up ATM
- MALE PROCEDURE 1. Drive up to the cash...
Lesbian Dinosaur
- Q. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur A....
- 37 Uploads
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- Media Favorited: 3
- Last Login: 682 weeks ago
- User Since: May 22, 2007
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fuck you.................
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.......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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