Fastest Knockout Ever
- Fastest knockout ever in MMA barely lasted a second...
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Pregnant Mother Gets Tased by Cops
- Pregnant woman and grandpa get tased!
Former Student set off pipebombs at Hillsdale High...
- Former Student of Hillsdale High School sets off pipe...
High Kick Fail
- The karate kid at his worst
Austictic Child being Assaulted
- autistic, non-speaking kid being slapped by his...
YoungJackThriller Interviews Mike Vick
- Comedian Jack Thriller Sits down for a One on One...
Woman Yells Heil Hitler To Jewish Man at Las Vegas...
- the health care debate gets ugly in Las Vegas when a...
Cheers to you CD
- This is the most pathetic product in the world
Regehr Destroying Hemsky's Soul
- Nasty checks given out to the same guy over and over...
8 - Bit Trip
- 1500 hours of moving lego bricks and taking photos of...
"Doubt" - The Video Game
- Fight your way through the church to get your altar...
High-Speed Robot Hand
- Ishikawa Komuro Lab's high-speed robot hand performing...
Evil Bill Collectors
- Dorothy Gilbert, a black woman, was verbally abused by...
Ugly F'n Animals
- animals with a face that only a blind man could love
Big indy car crash
- Nelson Philippe spins at a blind corner and EJ Viso...
New Nintendo Wii Ultimate Reality Game
- New Nintendo Wii Ultimate Reality video Game brought...
Garage Parking Fail
- Some people probably should just ride the bus
Shakira - She Wolf SPOOF
- Shakira cant dance but she looks hot tryin
Parkour Fail
- kid learns the hard way that he isn't a parkour master
Parkour Fail Scaling Columns
- This guy is pretty good going up between the columns,...
Sleeping at the wheel
- never sleep and drive
Between 2 Breasts
- prank on random guys staring at huge tits
Sex In The Mall
- Public displays of affection in the mall
Woman caught on tape abusing puppy
- Woman caught on tape abusing puppy
Mom Beat by Son Over French Fries
- The Cecil County Sheriff's Office said a teenager beat...
Raw Video Minneapolis Police Beat Man
- Derryl Jenkins of Minnesota is accusing police...
Enormous kid
- with tits and sub tits
Ice Age in 4-D
- It's about time a family comedy stretched the limits...
House Spoof
- hilarious spoof of the TV show House
Body Hair
- giant shaving cream in POIL
Snail causes huge traffic jam
- Huge traffic jam all because of one lil snail
squirrel playing soccer
- After drinking carlsberg sport this squirrel plays...
Man breaks his computer
- because all those noobs are pissing him off
- Dancing for change
The new iPhone 3GS parody
- Apple reinvents the phone again...and rips you off in...
Bloody Mary
- The Myth of bloody mary is true
Transformers Revenge of the household objects
- parody of transformers
Why did the cat cross the road...
- to watch these dominos fall
Happy 4th of July
- big flag made of dominos
stop motion fireworks
- Happy 4th of July
- 181 Uploads
- Profile Views: 22,674
- Media Views: 1,317,473
- Media Watched: 1,393
- Media Featured: 16
- Media Favorited: 12
- Last Login: 735 weeks ago
- User Since: Jul 1, 2009
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鳥を見つけて何か文句(?)を言っているユッケです。「あっち行 って~!」みたいなことを言っているのかも?これからの季節、目 の前の柿の木の柿が実り、それをめあてに鳥達がやってきます。そ れを見てユッケがよくおしゃべりをする季節でもあります。
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