I Think My Boyfriend Is Gay
- I'm living with a man who I think is in denial about...
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my friend white_chocolate
- we been seein a lot of each other just lately. he even...
halp needed
- i have a sore bum hole all the time 3 weeks now....
My left ball is bigger than my right
- I was just wondering my dick is curved to the left its...
sex farts
- Recently my boyfriend and I started having anal sex...
Passing blood
- At the moment, I am a little to embarrassed to go to...
Is it possible to quit heroin?
- My brother has been addicted to heroin for the past 4...
Can someone help me? DO I HAVE AIDS?
- I am running a fever since yesterday.. I know that...
What's causing the discharge from my penis?
- I recently developed a discharge from my penis. It was...
- Before the wide spread of internetworking (802.1) that...
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- User Since: Jul 1, 2010
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