Pooch Poops On Field During Game
- Look at that little guy go....no stage fright here!
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10 Year Old Basketball Prodigy
- He seems to have his head on straight for now, just...
Leaked Military Footage of U.S. Attack in Iraq
- WARNING: Graphic Battle-Zone Footage WikiLeaks...
Roach Clip Episode 10
- Australian reporter Natalie Barr can't stop laughing...
Mickey Mouse Clad Fat Kid Covers Lady Gaga
- kids these days......
Obama Fails at Opening Day First Pitch
- First he disrespects the Nationals by sporting a White...
5 Year Old Fires Up the Red Sox
- Joshua Sacco gives a hilarious rendition of a famous...
Roach Clip Episode 9
- High School Chick gets Roached on a Slip n' Slide
Drunk Woman Driver Calls 911 On Herself
- Another real life story of a smart dumbass
Hockey Coach Loses His Shit
- Minor league hockey coach Jim Playfair channels his...
Bank Robber Calls Bank to Prepare For His Robbery
- Some people really like jail...
Roach Clip Episode 8
- Obama gets "Roached" by V.P. Joe Biden Live on CNN
Cookie Monster Steals Money From Girl Scout
- A surveillance camera caught a ginger man stealing...
Roach Clip Episode 7
- Police officer gets roached during a DUI arrest!
Reporter Confronts Sean Pean About Rectal Cancer
- The story: Sean Penn made a comment that he hopes his...
Roach Clip Episode 6
- Saudi officer Ahmed Balfaqeeh gets caught going ultra...
Marquette's Basketball Coach Buzz Williams Walks It Out
- You have to appreciate a coach that leads by example!!
Roach Clip Episode 5
- Westminster: White-Women-in-Knee-Length-Suits
Roach Clip Episode 4
- Sup Bra. The Big Game Hunters present a tale of...
Epic Beard Man - The Aftermath
- The footage you didn't see!
Roach Clip Episode 3
- Dimitri takes you to Roach School!
When Good Sportsmanship Goes Too Far
- I thought Iran was full of jerks...they seem pretty...
Gary Coleman Does Not Waffle
- Whatchoo Talkin Bout Willis!?
Roach Clip Episode 2
- Money Shot!
Roach Clip Premiere
- Get raunchy with this Roach Clip!
Big Fat Woman Crushes Boyfriend
- A woman in Cleveland pleaded guilty to sitting on her...
Roddick Curses Live on National TV
- He cries to the head official after winning his match....
NBA Star Monta Ellis' Amazing Circus Shot
- I don't know what is more impressive, the crazy shot...
Shooting Breaks Out at Avatar Screening
- During a gun battle scene an actual shootout breaks...
Lawndale California Has a Chronic Vampire Problem
- I am confused...what is the problem here?
Walrus Pleasures Himself
- Can't this guy get a little privacy in his own home?
Cassetteboy - The Web for Beginners
- Finally the internet is described in a way that we can...
Mad Decent Holiday Mashup
- Mad Decent Worldwide Radio
A Town Full of Twins
- Many believe that this phenomenon is the result of...
Brutal Beatdown Outside Jay Z's 4040 Club
- Security guards at Jay Z's club completely outnumber...
Turkey Frying Fire
- This is how NOT to cook your turkey this Thanksgiving!
College Football "Bouquet Toss" Trick Play
- Another football trick play that goes for a touchdown!
NBA Bad Boy Ron Artest Chucks a Shoe
- Ron Artest throws Trevor Ariza's shoe during the game...
Idiot Drops Engagement Ring From Hot Air Balloon
- He claims he dropped the ring on accident...Judging by...
Dock Ellis and The LSD No-No
- No Mas and artist James Blagden present the animated...
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