An Old Interview Of The Jacksonville Mass Shooter Has...
- Yesterday at a Madden gaming tournament in...
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26 Hairstyles That Make People Ask Only One Question:
- What were you thinking?
Can 20,000 Magnets Catch A Bullet Mid Air?
Man Goes To Prison After Calling In Bomb Threat
- To Avoid Missing His Flight
Target Explodes And Shrapnel Almost Kills Onlookers
- Dude shoots a dishwasher packed with tannerite and...
College Student Called Her Roommate The N-Word
- Then Tried To Blame Her Phone’s Spell-Check
Submariners Experience a Brain-Bending 29 Degree Tilt
- US Navy sailors on a Trident submarine maintain their...
25 Funny Memes About White People
- If you're easily offended then this one isn't for you.
15 Punching Facts About Boxing That May Surprise You
- Just to impress your friends
Bill Burr Ate Way Too Many Pot Brownies and Lived to...
- Bill recounts the time he decided to eat some weed...
Police stage fake lottery wins to arrest criminals who...
- They thought they had won a prize but instead, all...
44 Cheers To Last Weekend
- Your short week has arrived
17 Secretive Facts About The Japanese Yakuza
- Some interesting facts about the Japanese Mafia that...
Mel B Pees on Bear Grylls Hand After Jellyfish Sting
- Everyone knows that when you get stung by a jellyfish,...
Felonious Teenager Intentionally Wrecks Walmart
- A 19 year-old El Dorado man is facing multiple felony...
42 Pictures that Prove People are Generally Good
- Look closer and you’ll see beauty is all around us.
Man Saves a Family of Tree Swallows With One Well...
- Who knew Sparrows were such savage little bastards. ...
Zoo Crane Messes With The Wrong Eagle
- A crane poked his head where it didn't belong at the...
'This Should be Fun' Were His Last Words
- Yeah, 'fun' indeed.
15 Images Of Tattoos In Russian Prisons
- And What They Mean
Don't Dump Water On Someone Bigger Than You
- It might go badly!
Drive-Thru Worker Serves Up Some Haterade, Gets...
- He refused to take their order, and they retaliated.
Fake Martial Arts "Master" Who Uses The Force To Fight...
- An incredibly hilarious fight between a Kiai master...
Underage Driver Wrecks Car and Tries to Put It on...
- Unknown to the 15-year old driver, the accident was...
Small Plane Pilot Makes a Harrowing Landing
- pilot landed a small plane on a street in Los Angeles,...
37 Times Kids Knew Just What Things Should Be Called
- Kids Know How Things Have To Be Called
Old Lady Craps Her Pants on the Slingshot Ride
- When a ride literally scares you shitless!
This Airport Employee Has Zero F*cks Left To Give
- This woman does not give s shit about you or any of...
Massive 300 Pound Man Lands a Trick Most Can't
- Some lean athletes don't even have this much physical...
Jack Rabbits Fighting In The Middle Of A Forest Road...
- Really goin' at it... like jack rabbits, I guess.
20 Times Deadpool Appears In All The Famous Movies!
- Deadpool hilariously photo-bombed well-known films
This New Internet Challenge Makes the Tide Pod Kids...
- It seems like every month there's some new fad that...
Graduation Is A Trap!
- Welcome to the working world and debt,much debt
Watch This 4 Year Old Demonstrate His Knowledge About...
- A video of a young boy at a gun store has sparked some...
Crazy Woman Trashes Convenience Store for No Reason
- "Call 'em! And when I get out, Ima f*ck yo ass up!"
19 Times Marvel Made A Sh*t Ton Of Cash On Superhero ...
- MCU only exists for 10 years, but it is already a huge...
Poltergeist Actress Heather O’Rourke Killed By...
- Hollywood Pedophile Scandal
Girl Instantly Regrets Throwing Apple At Her Classmate
- Kids will be kids.
Corrections Officer Charged With Sexual Assault After...
- A prison official gets busted because of his "stinky,...
Driver Brake-Checks a Tailgater and All Hell Breaks...
- A Dallas road rage accident delivered a life lesson.
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- User Since: Feb 6, 2012
About Me
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. SUB ME PLEASE,back at cha!P5JyL8rVWy3GvPvBkKpwDisV6
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