Crazy Pilot Goes on One of the Most Dangerous Flights...
- This unknown pilot pulls off some insanely low...
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University Created A "Cry Closet" and The Internet...
- The internet is reacting to a cry closet that was...
Guy Sends Garlic Bread to the Edge of Space and Eats It
- One small step for man, one giant leap for Garlic...
37 Weird, Wild, and WTF Pics For You To Enjoy
- A collection of images perfect for a lazy weekend.
24 Things You'll Only See In Canada
- America's hat likes to party.
Guy Recorded Himself Sleeping, Then Things Got Weird
- YouTube user pillowtalkTK knew he had a problem with...
Brave Idiot's Roof Jump onto Trampoline Doesn't Go As...
- Ouch! He's gonna feel that in the morning!
Police Release Footage From that Self-Driving Car...
- WARNING: Viewer Discretion Advised Tempe Police...
This Karate Match Ends Before It Really Even Begins
- The knockout heard 'round the world... OUCH!
Daycare Workers Arrested after Giving Melatonin-Laced...
- Earlier this month, Des Plaines police officers were...
28 Times Liars Got Called Out For Their Bullsh*t
- Don't BS the internet.
Chinese Boy Short Circuits An Elevator With His Pee...
- This punk kid wanted to leave his mark on this...
Guy Swallows A Small Camera And Films The Inside Of...
- After eating a fillet steak for lunch this guy washed...
Idiot Russians Blow Up Phone When Running Microwave...
- Eastern European stoners dressed in foil put a cell...
19 Year Old MMA Fighter Destroys Much Larger Opponent
- It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the...
27 Crazy Homemade Guns And Weapons
- And by homemade, we mean some of these were for sure...
Prius Driver Cuts Off A Semi Truck And Gets Taught A...
- Prius gets bounced around by two trucks after making...
Hilarious Dude Will Crack You Up Over All This Bird...
- That's a major clean up job
What it Looks Like When a McDonald's Manager Has...
- This disgusting place is probably in violation of...
Guy Runs Into A Storm With A Metal Pan And Gets Struck...
- After the lightning strikes, you can hear screams in...
Rally Car Slides into Unsuspecting Onlooker, Launches...
- He froze in fear and then took flight.
Killer Whales Learn to Speak Better than Some...
- A new study shows that orcas can copy human speech...
Things Really Get HOT at This Beauty Pageant!
- One contestant's feathered hat catches on fire in the...
Idiot in Sailboat is Almost Killed By a Massive Tanker...
- This guy waited too long to try and get out of the way...
18-Year-Old Italian Model Is Selling Her Virginity
- Nicole Minetti wants to go to college but first, she...
Young MMA Fighter Sends His Opponent To The Shadow...
- A spinning leg kick to the head should just about do...
23 Mysterious Facts About The X-Files
- Interesting facts about America's favorite and longest...
33 Reasons Why Canada is the Weirdest
- It seems like a whole different world
Giant Chunks of Ice Fall From a 1600 Foot Tall TV Tower
- Two guys take their lives into their hands as they...
Scumbag Thief Gets Owned While Trying to Rob Cell...
- He even tries to to plead with the owners to let him...
Dealership Tells Man That His Ford F-250 Isn't...
- That has got to be big the biggest load of bullshit I...
Guy Flies Through Fireworks With A Quadcopter
- Awesome footage of a fireworks show filmed from the...
Drunk Fan Passes Out And Get's His Beer Stolen, Then...
- Must be a good game...
This Woman Is Eating Her Mother For Christmas
- Not the touching tribute I think she was hoping to...
This Beautiful Gun Concealment Table Is Straight Out...
- This table has a hidden gun-storage compartment with a...
Woman Uses Cristiano Ronaldo's Bizarre Mouth Fitness...
- Nothing like working out your mouth while waiting for...
Alcohol Run Gone Wrong
- Dude tries to steal everything he can...
Nurse Shark Attacks Snorkeler In The Caribbean
- Not a bloody attack but that must've been super weird...
Forklift Drivers Stop Thieves From Getting Away With...
- Intuitive staff at a warehouse prevented a group of...
- 1,553 Uploads
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- Last Login: 9 weeks ago
- User Since: Feb 6, 2012
About Me
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. SUB ME PLEASE,back at cha!P5JyL8rVWy3GvPvBkKpwDisV6
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