23 People Who Lack Basic Computer Skills
- You may not think it's impressive that you're reading...
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25 Popular Films the Internet Thinks Are Vastly...
- We rely a lot on other people to tell us which movies...
25 Wild Facts about the Life of Isaac Newton
- Isaac Newton was a genius who transformed our world....
25 Facts You Didn't Know About the Roman Empire
- The Roman Empire changed the face of the world as we...
25 Jobs That Deserve Much Higher Pay
- Everyone thinks they need a bigger paycheck. But we...
25 Movies That Are Basically Propaganda
- Everyone likes a movie with a message. But what if the...
25 Video Games We Regretted Buying Almost Right Away
- If you're lucky, video games will provide hours of...
17 Dark Facts to Frighten Your Friends
- They say "knowledge is power." Sometimes, though, that...
25 Shower Thoughts To Wash Away Your Brain Wrinkles
- Shower thoughts are usually pretty mindless stuff. The...
25 Mind-Boggling Facts About Disney World
- Disney World really does feel magical. And that's why...
25 Cities With Appropriately Bad Reputations
- We just love to give cities weird little nicknames....
25 Conspiracies That Ended Up Being Real
- Well whaddaya know?
How Area 51 Became the Biggest Alien Conspiracy Theory
- Where did the idea of aliens and UFO cover up even...
24 Rabbitholes You Can Get Lost In Online
- Got some time to kill? If so, there is nothing...
18 Things That Give Us Cult Vibes
- What if you were in a cult and didn't even know it?...
24 Korean War Facts Your Grandpa Forgot to Tell You
- The Korean War was sandwiched between other major...
25 Sneakiest Facts About Ninjas
- Ninjas continue to appear in movies, TV shows, games,...
25 Facts That Might Blow Your Mind
- These facts might blow your mind, and the people's...
23 Useful Facts That Might Save You in a Pinch
- Most of the time, internet facts are like trivia....
25 Facts About John Wilkes Booth, the Man Who Killed...
- Abraham Lincoln's life and death made him one of the...
25 Major Scandals Everyone Has Forgotten About
- These days, major scandals usually blow up online....
16 Celebs Who Completely Ruined Their Own Careers
- It's common for celebrities to destroy their careers....
25 Evolved Facts About Charles Darwin
- Charles Darwin changed the face of the world. Along...
25 Mind-blowing Facts About JFK
- John F. Kenndy, Jr., changed our idea of what a...
25 Bold and Brilliant Facts about William Shakespeare
- What do you think when you think about Shakespeare?...
10 Hilarious Streamer Meltdowns and Fails
- What makes streamers popular? In theory, fans love to...
15 Funny 'Adult Only' Games That Should Have Been...
- Playing these games feels like a nice swift punch to...
15 Awkward Xbox Live Interactions That Belong in the...
- Xbox Live deserves credit for connecting players all...
15 Hilariously Over-Sexed Video Game Covers That Make...
- Because sometimes gameplay isn't the most important...
25 Fascinating Facts Abut the French Revolution
- The French Revolution didn't just change France. It...
25 Freaky Facts About Nihilism's Godfather Nietzsche
- Nietzsche may be the most complex philosopher of them...
25 Strangest Things about Gandhi
- Gandhi was one of history's most complex figures. Some...
23 Guys React to Women Making the First Move
- One debate about romance never ends. And that debate...
Gulf War Facts That Should Have Been Kept Secret
- The first Gulf War changed the landscape of American...
25 Messed Up Facts You Didn't Know About Mother Teresa
- Mother Teresa is usually invoked as the most...
Joe Rogan Facts That Make Total Sense
- Joe Rogan is many things to many people. Actor,...
25 Songs That Put the ‘Fun’ in Your Funeral
- The world is crazy enough that it's easy to think...
25 Actors So Good Their Roles Can Never Be Recast
- Actors and Actresses who nailed the role so hard, it...
Mister Rogers Facts Proving He Was a National Treasure
- Do you long for a time when we were all a bit more...
What Can a Dollar Get You All around the World?
- It's an open secret that the economy isn't great right...
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