Officer Anonymous calls Jessi Slaughter Prank Phone...
- Someone prank phone calls Jessi Slaughter, this is...
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Final Jessi Slaughter Freakout Video. RARE UNCUT...
- This is the last video Jessi Slaughter posted, which...
Luffy Owns Warpol
- A clip from One Piece where Luffy fucks up Warpol in...
Classic Snowtow OriginalFull Version
- The Old Classic Snowtow video, this time its the full...
The Real Bin Ladin
- the truth!
Wrestling Leg Snap
- this is so messed up
BIG Sniper Rifle
- look at that recoil
When Pitbulls Attack
- eek sucks to be her
Asshole Penguin
- this is real
Javelin Blooper
- this had got to hurt
Bike Race Fight
- this is pathetic
Soccer Headbutt
- wicked headbutt
Nut-kick Fetish
- this is very strange
Randy Johnson Owns a Bird
- i know this is old but its a good one
Mike Tyson Ear Bite
- wow what a cheater
Cliff Dive
- 100 real no doubt
Drunk Guy Punched
- in the head
Crocodile Bites Guy's Head
- this is why you dont mess around with crocodiles
Hard Nut Kick
- ouch!
F-22 Crashes
- looks like this guy needs more time in the simulation
Crushed by a Giant Tree
- this guy will feel it in the morning
Bat to the Head
- some people are just idiots
Helicopter Films a Real UFO
- looks like there IS something out there!
Car Smashes into Cop Car
- that cop got so lucky
Girl Fights Three
- yet another crazy girl fight
Revenge of the Windfury
- world of warcraft video of a badass shaman
Light as a Feather
- amazing skill with flipping and karate, this guy is...
Angry Mean Clown
- this guy is an asshole, but he is hilarious
Jet Pops Out of the Water
- this is totally not fake... lol
Bike Front Flip Crash
- this looks like it hurt
Rally Car Crashes into People
- A rally car loses control and goes off of the road and...
20 Foot Skateboard Fall
- this guy falls 20 feet after failing a trick
Suicidal Cat
- cat runs right into a wall
Little Dog Pee on Big Dog
- little god pees all over a big dog
Jackass Gymnast
- gymnast messes up and take it to the chest
Indie Pitstop Fire
- guy spills fuel while filling up and then it all...
Lit Fart on Fire
- guy lights his fart on fire and burns his crotch
Bam Margera Car Crawl
- Bam Margera crawls through some random guys car in...
Gang Fight Crips vs Bloods
- 12 Crips fighting 7 Bloods
2 People Fall Down Mountain
- their rope snaps and they fall to their death
- 155 Uploads
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- User Since: Jun 8, 2007
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