Ghetto Bastards
- I don't really agree with everything the host says but...
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Drunk driver gets stuck under a semi-trailer.
- Skip to 3:10
M16 magazine explodes
- M16 jams repeatedly and the magazine explodes, skip to...
Political Cartoons
- Let the complaining begin!
Random gallery
- Random
Random gallery
- Cartoons, drawings, words, random
Calvin and Hobbes tattoos
- They are actually pretty good tattoos
Guy dresses in Radar costume
- takes pictures of cars as they pass
Gun fail
- some of your favorite videos of people who should...
The Flying Sperm
- The Pentagon Newest Stealth Spy Aircraft Is a Flying...
Stuff From Space
- pictures from NASA.com.
More Randomness
- More....
Random Dank Pics
- pics of dank buds.
Awesome Garage doors
- Giant stickers you put on your garage door.
PedoBear gets around
- Hide you kids he is everywhere
5 things to do if SOPA passes
- This would be hell for many people
Random gallery
- Random pics with words
Billboards made better or worse with graffiti
- funny and/or stupid
Funny milk ads
- From Funny or die.
- Funny, cool, stupid
Kim Jong Un
- Pictures of Kim with words
small random gallery
- Very Small
Bond Cars
- just a couple of the many cars from the Bond movies
Random Pics
- Small random gallery
proof people are messed up
- just a few things that people have put in their ass.
Black guy freaks out in a best buy
- His iPad broke and now he is pissed, even throws it on...
Shotgun shell no barrel
- In Slow Motion
Flexible Russian Gymnast
- This is Anya and she is very flexible, I am pretty...
Best of the 2011 LA Auto Show
- Some are really cool a couple suck, but this is the...
Joe Rogan: Marijuana and cops
- Joe Rogan talks about Marijuana as "The Gateway Drug"...
Joe Rogan: What is Reality?
- Joe Rogan pondering reality.
micromouse self controlled robot
- The robot is first allowed an autonomous exploration...
Canada introduces plastic money
- supposedly you can't counterfeit it.
Random gallery
- Random
Random gallery
- Random
Random gallery
- More Random
Random gallery
- Random pics
Possible Ogopogo sighting
- Is this a Canadian Lake Monster? You be the judge.
- 64 Uploads
- Profile Views: 7,973
- Media Views: 340,970
- Media Watched: 12,067
- Media Featured: 1
- Media Favorited: 20
- Last Login: 451 weeks ago
- User Since: Nov 20, 2010
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