how women treat men
- this is true
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Facts About Internet Porn
- Hot internet "entertainer" entertains us with the...
are u dumb
- Answer three simple questions to see if YOU are dumb....
this woman has the worst day ever
- nuthin goes right
dont phone random numbers iin public toilets
- he makes the mistake
boy in weel chair got skills
- he holds the world record for the only person to ever...
zit pop
- awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nasty
pool jump
- he almost could have killed him self
Snowboarding Demo
- people snow boardin not much to say
the names bond ....homless bond
- homless james bond very funny
crazy parachute skills
- gose under a bridge
Subliminal Messages
- rather unique subliminal messages I might say.. lil...
- haha this girl gets busted straight up by her boyfriend
warning when ur drunk
- just wach the dam video
Residuck Evil
- Resident Evil cartoon flash mock
Plane Hits Man
- This low flying unstable looking plane nails this dude...
Michael Jackson Time Lapse
- Sad to see him go from a normal looking boy to an ugly...
What If?
- In your dreams! funny stuff
Worlds First Personal Jet Powered Wing Flight
- On May 14, 2008, Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, known as...
Not For Adults
- Things that are best left to the kids, caus' adults...
Man Eats Baby
- WOW! I don't think that you want to hire this guy to...
Frustrated Chick
- Chick gets turned on watching her man clean the...
The Golf Ball Sack
- Something EVERY golfer can use - a scrotum like sack...
Check This Out
- Guy jumps one car.......but not the other...if this is...
Extreme Snowborading
- Snowborading in Russia looks sweet!
Loop of Death
- Ok this is one RIDICULOUSLY scary skateboard ramp...
Quick Night Out
- With this guy it would be a very quick night out with...
Gifted Tongue
- jeez, this girl has one crazy tongue... look how long...
Chick Under The Hood
- ALL the guys want to stop and help this HOT blonde...
The Stupid Test
- Duh! I'm stupid! Try your luck and see if YOU'RE...
old video but its good crazy frog
- crazy frog .......that crazy littel basterd
NEW Herpes Treatment With BIG Side Effects
- If you've got herpes and gave it to your wife, your...
kilt prank
- funny pranck were a guy climes a ladder and gets...
these guys through a girl up through a basket ball hoop
- really inpressive
he gets a big suprise on his honeymoon
- try and geuss wat it is
gd gtar skills
- he can play like a mother fucker
- this looks kl it exploads
do the mario
- a funny mario dance and song
dancin wallruss
- funny dancin
mainiac sings funny song
- he names pacticaly every country in he world
- 440 Uploads
- Profile Views: 28,270
- Media Views: 1,391,072
- Media Watched: 1,563
- Media Featured: 1
- Media Favorited: 4
- Last Login: 675 weeks ago
- User Since: Aug 5, 2008
About Me
i am from scotland i skate and play x box got ma first feature wooo hooo
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