Crazy Preacher Lady
- How much LSD do you think she's on?
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Crazy Japan
- No wonder we don't understand them...
Strange Self Defence Video
- Self Defence video were Japanese women learn English...
The Spirit Of Truth Part 2
- Lets listen to Rev. Dan Vincent cuss his way on...
Weird Workout Video
- And next on our work-out plan, the primordial mountain...
Testicles Accidentally Removed
- Guy got his testicles accidentally removed at a doctor...
Tattoo A Dangerous Art
- Cazy Phil gets a homemade tattoo and we learn the...
Tattoo Crybaby
- This girl gets a tattoo for the first time and crys...
Don't laugh!
- Seriously you will go to hell...
Crazy Christian Lady
- Lady screams at everyone in this coffee shop! She is...
Kid Kicked in the Face in Mosh Pit
- Kid gets kicked hard, almost knocks him out.
Fat Chick on Treadmill
- Flap flap thwap smack smack slap slap...
Funeral Gone Bad
- You have to see this!
Giant Stars Just how small are we?
- We are just a grain of sand compaired to these gas...
A Hole For Poopoo!
- Really funny childrens video!
Super Duper Pooper
- Funny potty training video with a creepy guy who comes...
Fat Man Soulja Boy
- A few fat white guys doing the Soulja Boy dance.
Modern Day Elephant Man
- This man suffers from a serious form of...
Congenital Malformation "deformed babys" Museum
- Museum about deformed babies. WARNING: NOT FOR THE...
Furby In Microwave
- Take that Furby!
Japanese Potty Training Video
- With english subtitles! Well, sort of...
Jerry Springer for Governor A 1980 Campaign Ad
- Jerry Springer admits to paying a hooker with a check...
Full Throttle Douche Bottle
- Douching to the extreme!
Massengill Commercial 1986-ish
- Now has Effectal!
Corey Worthington Delaney Party Host Extraordinaire!
- This stupid kid has a party and got a ton of fines and...
Magic Trick Gone Wrong!
- This is just insane!
12oz. Coffee Rap
- Best rap ever by Tom Green!
Donkey Love
- Guy pulls over by the side of the road to take a poop...
Fat Soulja Boy
- This girl really shouldn't be doing this.
Stupid Tattoos
- All I can ask is, WHY?
Naked Wedding
- What's wrong with these people?
- 33 Uploads
- Profile Views: 21,532
- Media Views: 320,778
- Media Watched: 1,892
- Media Featured: 1
- Media Favorited: 13
- Last Login: 630 weeks ago
- User Since: Mar 8, 2008
About Me
God damn it, god damn it, god damn it, god damn it all.
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