How To Poop-English Subtitles
- The "How to Poop" video translated into English.
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How To Poop
- Weird Japanese cartoon teaches you to poop.
- What would you like for breakfast Johnny?
Redneck Power Windows
- Sick of being viewed as middle class because you don't...
Destroy an iPhone
- This guy experiments to see what an iPhone can survive.
Catching Glasses
- These guys always manage to land the glasses in the...
Repetitive Bid on Price is Right
- This clown bids 420 every single time. I bet he smokes...
Price is Right Cheater
- This guy cheats on Flip Flop, but he gets the prize...
Idiot on Price Is Right
- This dumb idiot thought it would be a good idea to bid...
Weird Laugh on Jeopardy
- This girl has a really strange laugh.
Alex Trebek has a Seizure
- Trebek acting out what would happen to a person with...
Jeopardy Curse
- Listen closely and you can hear the kid drop the...
Trebek Racist Comment
- Totally rude comment to an Indian about New Delhi.
Alex Trebek Spazzes Out
- After Ken misses a question, Alex makes a weird noise.
Weird Nerd on Jeopardy
- Even Alex is a little freaked out.
Prostitution in Singapore
- Video about prostitutes in Singapore.
News Reporters Getting Owned
- Funny compilation of anchors getting owned.
Weird Guy pt. 3
- This Guy is strange.
Weird Guy pt. 4
- This guy is strange.
Weird Guy pt. 2
- This guy is strange.
Weird Guy pt. 1
- This guy is strange.
Google Fun
- Some fun things to do on google.com
Matrix Karate
- The sequel to matrix ping pong. Just as goon in my...
Matrix Ping Pong
- If You haven't seen it , watch it. It is awesome.
Human Pole Position
- Amazing video of people re-enacting the video game hit.
Human Space Invaders
- Amazing video of people re-enacting the arcade hit.
Human Pong
- Amazing video of people re-enacting the atari hit.
Human Tetris
- Amazing video of people re-enacting the game boy hit.
George Bush is Stupid
- Our President is an Idiot.
Ice Fall
- Dumb guy jumps through the ice.
Fat Kid Owned
- He tries to jump, and he fails.
Find the Ghost
- Can you see the ghostly figure moving alongside the...
Girl Gets a Screamer Email
- However, she doesn't expect it to do what it does.
Scary Email Screamer
- This guy just doesn't see it coming.
Kid Vs. Screamer
- I do believe that the screamer won.
Owned by Screamer
- Guy gets owned by the "Test Your Senses" screamer.
Owned by Screamer
- Yet another victim of the scary maze game.
Office Meltdown
- Guy completely destroys office after a faulty printer...
Worst Office Freakout Ever
- The WORST office freakout EVER.
Worst Office Freakout Ever-Angle 2
- The video of the worst office freakout ever from the...
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