Ice Mountains
- Awesome pics of ice mountains
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10 Wheel Mansion
- inside look at a luxury RV
Lip Tattoos
Happy Sad
- A husband and wife were sitting watching a TV program...
Chocolate Chip Cookies
- One day little Johnny comes upon his grandfather...
Little Jimmy
- Did you hear about little Jimmy? He is four years...
Breast Fed
- A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining...
Texas Trooper
- Two guys are speeding through Texas when a state...
Crashes on the Autobahn
- some of the deadliest crashes in the world
stadium heating
- Why does the stadium get so hot when the game is...
- OUCH!!!
Can Art
- some pretty cool can art
Top 20 Most Dangerous Vehicles
- You might want to avoid these!
Caught Ya
- Get that finger outta there!
Senior Driver
- There's a senior citizen driving on the highway. His...
Railroad Lunch Time
- Three railroad workers, a Chinese man, an Italian, and...
Bad Jokes 5
- What do you get when you cross a skyscraper and a TV...
Bad Joke 4
- What did the toothbrush say to the sloth? "Smash...
Bad Jokes 3
- What do a married shark and a left-handed pocket watch...
Bad Jokes 2
- Who was that baby I saw you with last night? That was...
Bad Jokes 1
- How can you tell when a mechanic has been behind your...
Glad to be Drunk
- A completely inebriated man was stumbling down the...
Escaped Convict
- A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15...
Underwater Sculptures
- some more pretty cool art
Want to learn Chinese?
- 1. That's not right ........................ Sum Ting...
- how could anything be lost?
- he's definitely got it
New Cook County Correctional Center, Chicago , Illinois
- must be nice to have it so good
The Perfect Angle
- It makes the perfect picture
Prison or Work
- @ PRISONYou spend most of your time in a 10X10 cell @...
Backyard Roller Coaster
- I bet he naver has to wait in line
Geyser Eruption
- Mother Nature at her best!
Diamond Mercedes
- Bling-Bling
Underwear Dust
- One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny,...
World's Most Horrible Warehouse Accidents
- CAUTION!!! May Cause Extreme Emotional Distress
Pa Won't Like It
- A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of...
One Final Confession
- Brittany was on her deathbed, with her husband Adam at...
Unfaithful Wives
- Paddy and his two friends are talking at a bar. His...
Hung Out to Dry
- Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental...
Baby Care
- the do's and dont's
- 286 Uploads
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- Media Watched: 4,997
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- Last Login: 90 weeks ago
- User Since: Dec 19, 2007
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