The Moment a Violent Shootout Breaks Out at St. Louis...
- Customers, run, crawl, and take cover as gunfire...
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Serial Thief Gets Locked Inside Store and Freaks Out
- This person had been ripping off a gas station about a...
Extra-Flatulent Man Shares Six Months Worth of Farts
- You gotta do something to keep entertained.
Idiots With Gas and Bonfires Don't Mix
- These guys aren't the smartest.
Gas Station Owner Gets His Revenge on Illegal Dumper
- A satisfying conclusion.
Guy's Reaction to Friend's Extra Smelly Fart is...
- Stiny surprise.
Hilarious Exchange Between Gas Station Employee and...
- "I called to see if there were any hotdogs ready on...
Watch this Lady Attempt to Fix Her Out of Service Gas...
- This lady was at a pump that was out of service. She...
Road Rage Meltdown Leads to Man Getting Struck by Car
- A prior road rage incident led these two men...
Smoke Shop Goes Up In Flames After Lighter Ignites Gas...
- Maybe it"s time you got a vape pen bro.
Infested Gas Station is One to Drive Away From
- This gas station in Louisiana has been completely...
Taco Stand Explodes in Middle of Parking Lot
- Portland Portable food truck blew a gasket while...
Sexy Chick Makes Pumping Gas Look Better Than Ever
- She catches the rhythm of the beat and can't contain...
Next Time You Run Out of Gas and Have No Arms, You'll...
- Tisha shows you how she goes about her day-to-day...
What Happens If You Fill Up a Car with Liquid Nitrogen?
- The guys over at TechRax decided to do a little...
Awesome Gas Station Worker Douses Idiot Kid Smoking At...
- Maybe he should've just let that kid catch on fire....
Clear Evidence That Tennessee Gas Station Is Stealing...
- A gas pump at a large local chain In Maryville,...
When Top Gear Tried It's Best to Stop Tesla and Elon...
- They wrote a script that showed the car breaking down,...
2500 Flame Pyro Board Inside Will Have You Anxious
- It's like a science nerds equalizer display.
Gas Station Cameras Capture Brutal Accident
- This driver completely blew through a stop light and...
Crazy Russian Kids Set An Exposed Gas Main On Fire...
- Just another day in Mother Russia!
Watered Down Gas At A Chevron Station
- Gasoline mixed with water
Rude Customer Slaps Store Manager And Gets Owned
- I hate people who *attempt* to act tough when they...
Armed Robber Gets A Taste Of Instant Justice
- Store employees surprise a criminal looking for an...
Kidnapping Victim Escapes Trunk Of Car Leaving Gas...
- Cameras at an Alabama gas station captures what could...
Elon Musk's Unbelievably Killer Break Down on Climate...
- You can't deny the facts.
Guy Busts Woman Panhandling At Gas Station
- This woman has been panhandling all over this small...
DMCA - Ever Hear A Tree Fart?
- Symphonic tree gas in action.
'Skunk Lock' Protects Your Bike By Releasing A Vomit...
- Why defend against the thief when you can attack?
Woman Pulls Gun Out Of Panties And Opens Fire
- A wild scene unfolds at a Detroit gas station. Legend...
Woman Bathes with Squeegee at Local Gas Station
- Gotta freshen up for her hot date.
Reporters Lose It When They Find Out What A Furry...
- Mika Brzezinski cannot handle this.
Brazilian Man Tries To Extinguish The Olympic Torch
- Brazil doesn't seem too excited about the summer games.
Idiot Almost Kills a Man By Driving With the Gas Pump...
- This is hard to watch.
Guy Pranks Buddy With Giant Air Gun
- This guy's pantsing skills just reached legendary.
Is This a Gas Scam or Just Faulty Equipment?
- Pumping gas at an L.A. Chevron and this happened...
Guy Is Super Wasted After Huffing Air Horn
- I think he just killed that 2 brain cells he had left....
Back To The Future in Real Life
- Great Scott it worked!
Kid Uses Lighter In Car Full of Laughing Gas
- WARNING GRAPHIC: lesson learned the hard way.
You Won't Believe This Shell's Restroom
- Take another look gas station owners, that's a proper...
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