Dave Chappelle's Hilarious Breakdown of the Jussie...
- A clip from his latest Netflix stand-up special, Dave...
Media videos
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Women's Heat 2 Of The Finswimming World Championship...
- This branch of swimming is known as finswimming and...
Zac Efron Plays it Cool After He Dropped A Condom On...
- You can tell he had a sense of humor about the whole...
Gorgeous Irish Weather Woman Pranks Viewers to...
- Caitlín Bhocht pretends to be struck by lightning...
Giant Isopods Eating An Alligator At The Bottom Of The...
- Alligators were dropped to the bottom of the Gulf of...
Hit and Run Driver Does Some On-the-Fly Body Repair...
- After fleeing an accident this guy stops to repair his...
Loader Doesn't Give A Damn and Obliges Know-it-All...
- Instead of arguing with a know-it-all customer, this...
Close Call with a Semi Truck Leaves a Driver in Shock
- Pucker Factor 9000
This Jim Carrey Deepfake As Jack Nicholson In The...
- It's only a matter of time before the saying, "you...
Guy Terrified of Spiders Uses His Pistol to Deal With...
- Forget burning down your house when you see an...
Witness A Tow Truck Driver's First & Last Day On The...
- It's like he's trying to break the record for most...
Two Friends Go to the Zoo on Acid and Make a Video...
- These two guys document their trip to the Miami Metro...
Dude’s Backyard BBQ Goes From Bad To Worse When His...
- This guy just wanted to cook some wieners but instead...
Hilariously Bad Training Video From The Venezuelan...
- Watch this hilarious Venezuelan army training video...
News Anchor Thinks Joking About Incest Porn During A...
- This is what happens when YouTube Channels become...
An Ounce of Weed, A Bucket, And A Bounce House Pump,...
- These dudes just wasted about 2 ounces of weed filming...
Watch the Dreaded Jujitsu Donkey Guard Executed...
- Not a whole hell of a lot you can do with that...
Elementary School Kids Lose Their Sh*t Over 'Old Town...
- Lil Nas X recently surprised some kids at Lander...
This Bubble Butt Is About To Pop
- That thing is faker than a million dollar bill.
Lakers GM Told The Rock a Blatant Lie in Front of a...
- Kobe had dinner with a dead guy?
TV Reporter Accidentally Exposes Kung Fu Master as...
- Kung Fu demonstration by Grand Master Bruce Silva goes...
Sir, Do You Have Any Firearms In The Vehicle Today?
- A funny skit about guns, cops and crossing state lines.
Stephen Colbert Asks Keanu Reeves "What Do You Think...
- What do you think happens after we die?
This Is Why You Never Challenge A Bull
- What did you think was going to happen?
Man Bitten On The Face By Snake Hiding At Door
- Sometimes, when life gives you snakes you gotta get...
Woman Caught Stealing Says She's Above The Law
- When this little lady gets backed into a corner she...
Kid Nicknamed "White Lightning" Broke The Record For...
- Matthew Boling, a high school senior from Houston...
Councilman From Flint, Michigan Doesn't Mince Words...
- Flint Councilman Eric Mays is known for loud outbursts...
Softball Player's Awesome Catch Robs a Homerun But At...
- She'll be feeling that one in the morning, she might...
Football Player Unknowingly Catches The Ball While...
- 5'7" Ryan Smith Makes Incredible NO-LOOK Catch...
Heartbreaking Moment As Orangutan Tries To Fight An...
- Footage recently released by International Animal...
Zach Galifianakis and Zoe Saldana A Cartoon Caption...
- Zach and Zoe become the latest celebrities to try...
Houston Astros Pitcher Collin McHugh Has Just Entered...
- That moment a line drive is headed right for your face...
Bill Burr Talking About The Joe Biden Scandal
- Bill Burr talking to Conan regarding the recent Joe...
A Game Of Thrones Recap To Get You Ready For The...
- This will get you up to date for Season 8! So sit back...
FedEx Guy Stops To Hit A Three Pointer And Then Drives...
- FedEx guy stops to make shot first try, gets a...
Cop Blasts Himself in the Balls During Birthday...
- Ouch! I hope he has already had all the children he...
This Guy Takes On Gun Toting Home Invader
- This guy has balls of steel taking on this robber. I...
The Biggest Mystery In The Shawshank Redemption
- A mystery so deep and so profound, it could be an...
The Most Ridiculous 6 Second Ending This NBA Season
- KD hit a ridiculous shot... that didn't count. Steph...
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