    • On your side? Are you kidding?
    • On your side? Are you kidding?

      • (cont.) ...if you are good, good things will happen, and if you are bad, bad things will happen. From that aspect, it makes sense for a person to believe the gods are on his or her side. I personally do not believe in gods or Karma, but for a person who does, when good things happen, it's only natural to attribute it to their higher power. Many people look to the gods when events in their life unfold, and although you may believe it's not true, for them, their belief in a higher power makes them think it's true. They believe there is nothing too great or too small for God to deal with. And on the flip side, people also blame the gods when bad things happen. They say, "the gods are against them".
      • Jul, 24 2008 05:29pm
    • On your side? Are you kidding?
    • On your side? Are you kidding?

      • What you're saying is that every time God (if he exists) helps someone, he's also ruining someone else's life? This is not an absolute truth. He could easily help someone without making someone else miserable in the process. For example, just because a person succeeds and everyone else, let's say in a company, doesn't succeed, doesn't mean their life is ruined. However, I will acknowledge the fact that some people, such as haters, do feel that way. They feel that because someone else advanced, life is being unfair to them and it should be their goal to ruin the other person's success. Those people become miserable because of their own actions, not because "for every success their must be a failure". They should just be proud of the person and move on. Their time will come if they aren't filled with hate. Furthermore, what if God does play favorites? Isn't that exactly what people who believe in Karma believe? That if you are good, good things will happen, and if you are bad, bad things
      • Jul, 24 2008 05:21pm
    • Dumb Thoughts by KT The Story
    • Dumb Thoughts by KT The Story

      • Oooh!! THAT'S what comes standard with mayo!! Yes, you are correct there. But for other burgers, ketchup is usually the standard. It depends on the type of sandwich you are getting.
      • Jul, 24 2008 03:12am


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