    • I want to be called
    • I want to be called

      • I think African-American should be used to describe someone who is of African descent but lives in America. It can't be white people because the whites in South Africa are "of Afrikaner, British or other continental European descent." So they would be mainly European-Africans.
      • Jun, 26 2008 01:33am
    • Sorry folks, more thoughts on Religion
    • Sorry folks, more thoughts on Religion

      • "God did not want to create a bunch of mindless robots, who would follow His every command without question. " Then why does he punish every human for Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit? If he wanted to give us freewill, why couldn't they eat the fruit without being punished? And furthermore, since he loves us so much, why did he make the Forbidden Fruit in the first place? "God created mankind knowing we would sin" so why did he tell them not to eat it, already knowing that they would?
      • Jun, 24 2008 12:39am
    • One more Religous Blog
    • One more Religous Blog

      • Well at least you admit that a fair amount of Christians are totally devoid of morality, and if they don't have an all-knowing God to be afraid of, they would basically wreak havoc until they were killed.
      • Jun, 21 2008 02:39am
    • The Seven Milestones of Religion/Irreligion
    • The Seven Milestones of...

      • Evolution hasn't been proven as fact simply because nothing can technically be considered "fact" by the scientific community. As mentioned by Glixxork, gravity is still a theory, along with the theory of relativity. In the scientific community, where evolution stands, a theory is "a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise verified through empirical observation." For scientists, "theory" is not in any way an antonym of "fact". I guess you could say that it is just as "questionable" as ID, but it is highly more likely, due to the evidence supporting it. That is why I am at 6 on the scale.
      • Jun, 20 2008 05:57pm
    • The Seven Milestones of Religion/Irreligion
    • The Seven Milestones of...

      • I don't see how the overwhelming proof is "overwhelmingly coincidental." How are embryonic similarities "coincidence?" How is the fossil record "coincidence?" How is the universal genetic code "coincidence?" How are homologous structures "coincidence?" Please explain.
      • Jun, 20 2008 05:06pm
    • Religion's literal nonsense
    • Religion's literal nonsense

      • I'm aware of the claims of Intelligent Design; it's interchangeable with Creationism. However, there is evidence of other universes, and it is likely that a lot of those universes are under conditions where life as we know it cannot thrive. Ours is only one of a possible infinite amount, and the physical laws of each universe can vary. It happens that our universe has laws under which life can sustain itself. Life as we know it may not be able to exist under different laws, but another form of life could. Also, the "Fine-tuned Universe" argument that the religious often make is unable to be tested, so it's scientifically unproductive. That doesn't necessarily mean it's false, but it just leaves you back where you started.
      • Jun, 20 2008 03:51pm
    • Religion's literal nonsense
    • Religion's literal nonsense

      • According to, faith is "confidence or trust in a person or thing," or "belief that is not based on proof." It is illogical to believe in God because there is no substantial evidence for it. It is logical to believe in evolution because there is evidence. I don't have faith in science because science uses evidence to back its claims. You have faith in your religion because there is no substantial evidence. Evolution has mountains of evidence for it, but if some day more evidence was found for "God doing it" then I would gladly change my opinion.
      • Jun, 20 2008 02:54pm


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