    • Buckethead!!!
    • Buckethead!!!

      • FUCK. How did I forget Zappa! Oh red, you'll be elated to know that my drummer was trained by both Zappa's drummer and Steely Dan's drummer. May god strike me down if I'm lying. (figured I'd throw that in there in allusion to your comment on my thread...which incidentally has a point as opposed to this one)
      • Jul, 27 2010 12:31am
    • Buckethead!!!
    • Buckethead!!!

      • also Michelangelo Battio, BB King and my personal favorite Andy McKee
      • Jul, 26 2010 11:01pm
    • Buckethead!!!
    • Buckethead!!!

      • or Dan Ledger. Listen to War of the Roses. Now thats good shit!!! (my band) but in all honesty. Steve Vai, Stevie Rae Vaughn, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen (for about thirty seconds and then you can stop listening to him)
      • Jul, 26 2010 11:00pm
    • SEXTING!
    • SEXTING!

      • The issue isn't about sexting it's about children doing it. I'm assuming your underage. If you take those pictures or recieve those pictures it IS child pornography. I'm not saying it's right but the law is what the law is. Just because you personally think it's stupid that you can't flash your sixteen year old tits doesn't change the law. an overzealous eight year old could do the same thing. She'd think it was perfectly ok but if you heard abotu it you'd be appalled. It's all a matter of perspective which is why the law is so cut and dry on it. No people under eighteen may be photographed nude. Period.
      • Jul, 26 2010 04:22am
    • SEXTING!
    • SEXTING!

      • bite your tongue wench.
      • Jul, 26 2010 04:20am


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