VIDEO Of Obama Calling Kanye West A Jackass
- CNN VIDEO Of President Obama Calling Kanye West Jackass
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Oh, The Temptation
- watching these little kids trying not to eat those...
Dion Phaneuf Destroys Kyle Okposo Phaneuf vs Morency
- Phaneaf lays out a huge hit hits on Kyle okposo, he...
Fox Reporter Heckled At Values Voter Summit
- old people are funny
Utah Golfer Wins 1 MIllion For Making A Hole In One
- Not only did he get a hole in 1 but he got a million...
Million Dollar Hole in One
- Not only did he get a hole in 1 but he got a million...
Sneeze Etiquette
- NBC's Chuck Todd Scolded For Improper Sneeze Procedure...
Ernie Anastos "Keep fucking that chicken"
- Ernie Anastos telling the weatherman on FOX5 WNYW to...
I Loved College
- Spoof of Asher Roth's I Love College
Stormtroopers Reflect on 911
- stormtroopers reflect on the day the death star blew...
Tuba Player Smashes Camera Guy
- OSU tuba player hits camera guy with his tuba
Terrys Garage Sale
- Terry tries to make a few extra bucks by parting with...
BBC News blooper
- A lesson for Jonathan Charles of BBC World News on the...
Super Soaker Waterboards
- The most fun you can have within the confines of the...
Anderson Cooper DESTROYS "Tea Party" Leader Mark...
- CNN's Anderson Cooper DESTROYS "Tea Party Express"...
Obama Calls Kanye a 'Jackass' -- The Audio
- You know your a douche bag when you get insulted by...
Local Commercials for Black White People
- you can definitely tell they're reading from a script.
Bus Beatdown
- Two kids bullying one lone kid
Frogs can talk
- cousin of the frog from the WB
Kanye West Gay Fish Drawing
- Do you like fish sticks?
Washington D.C Tea Party Protest Time Lapse
- 1.5 to 2 million people march on Washington D.C Tea...
Brandon Stokley Big Catch on Kyle Orton's Tipped Pass...
- God Damn Bengals...
Fat chick on stripper pole
- This is why fat chicks aren't strippers
Roger Federer Best Point in Tennis Ever
- i would quit professional tennis if I was the other...
Extreme Anti-Smoking Ad
- Don't smoke. All of humanity is counting on you.
Rep. Joe Wilson Calls Obama a Liar During Address
- Joe Wilson calling obama out during address
- Ariel shows off her pad that has some unique features...
Senator Al Franken draws perfect map of the USA
- Senator Al Franken draws a map of all 50 states from...
Teen Plots To Kill His Own Mom, Over Going To A New...
- Could a school really be that bad that you would want...
Pot Penalty
- An Okanagan care home resident with full body...
Guy Dupuy's ridiculous new dunk
- This is by far the nastiest dunk i've seen since that...
Assassin's Creed II - Gameplay Trailer
- The game is alright but i thought the music was sick...
Kid Gets Owned on Xbox Live
- some weird kid who can't trash talk worth shit films...
Houdini Puppy Escapes Crate
- puppy escapes crate
LeGarrette Blount Press Conference
- Jimmy Kimmel Live - LeGarrette Blount Press Conference
ParentTeacher Conference Prank
- parent teacher conference for a moron
Woman Beats Man in Singapore
- Man taking a beating to the nuts in Singapore
Halo 3 ODST
- This is what Halo would look like if it were real.
Tupac in Kazakhstan!
- 3,000 miles away in kazakhstan singing tupac
Legarrette Blount Punches Boise Player
- LeGarrette Blount of the Oregon Ducks punches a Boise...
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